Friday, June 28, 2013
Posted by 鍾祖康 at 6/28/2013 02:55:00 PM
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最後 希特拉是基督徒,佢係一人一票選出黎,呢班基督徒咁憎猶太人係因為猶太人害死耶穌,而且呢d唔係個別事件,主張向猶太人報復係得到馬丁路德認可,基督徒主編的教材仲話基督教講愛同寬恕,同中國模式話共產黨係進步無私的執政團體一樣咁偏頗,希望你早日醒覺,離開基督教
捷克在9世紀基督化, 其中Saints Cyril and Methodius帶來文字。14世紀特別在Charles IV的統治下進入黃金時期。他將布拉格打造成美麗富庶的城市,建立Charles University, Charles Bridge, Charles Square等建築。在此世紀,一個比Martin Luther還早一世紀的宗教改革者+捷克民族英雄誕生了。Jan Hus是天主教神父,當了Charles University校長,還在Bethlehem Chapel講道,自己接受很多John Wycliffe的教導。Jan Hus反對贖罪券,批評天主教腐敗,認為聖經至上,耶穌基督的話才是信徒的依歸,而非教宗或其他聖職人員所訂的規條,鞏固捷克語,認為彌撒用本國語等。他受捷克人歡迎。他被教廷視為異端,1414年在Council of Constance下獄並被判有罪,1415年7月6日被處火刑,變成燒鵝(Hus解鵝),骨灰被撒入萊茵河。Martin Luther: "I was overwhelmed with astonishment," Luther later wrote. "I could not understand for what cause they had burnt so great a man, who explained the Scriptures with so much gravity and skill."之後發生布拉格拋窗事件,Hussite Wars。Unity of the Brethren 將聖經由原本語言翻譯成捷克語,叫Kralice Bible。16世紀中,波希米亞9成人口都是新教Hussite,亦有少數Lutheran和Calvinist,大部份貴族是新教徒,Moravian Church創辦的學校和印刷店很繁榮,沒有一個鎮沒有新教學校。之後神聖羅馬帝國皇帝馬提亞斯派遣耶穌會教士進入波希米亞,意圖在波希米亞復興天主教和Habsburg的狂熱的天主教徒斐迪南迫害新教徒,禁止新教徒的宗教活動和拆毀他們的教堂導致第二次布拉格拋窗事件,新教徒在三十年戰爭的Battle of White Mountain戰敗,27人被處死。反宗教改革Habsburg強迫捷克人皈依天主教,又沒收土地。有些新教徒逃亡或秘密信新教,Johann Amos Comenius為其中一個宗教難民。耶穌會想消滅Hussite勢力,將捷克人天主教化,將波希米亞重設為教廷的隸屬。耶穌會關閉新教學校,操控著教育系統,拆民居改為自己的建築,燒毀捷克語書籍,視捷克語出版物為異端,捷克語變成農民的溝通工具。捷克教育家Jan Hus講道的Bethlehem Chapel被耶穌會改為天主教堂,之後部份被人拆除,近代重建。德語成為官方語言,又被日耳曼化。到近代,因為民族主義到農民那裡,參考Kralice Bible和其他斯拉夫語言復興捷克語,順便復興捷克文化。Czechoslovak Hussite Church與Jan Hus雕像在20世紀初建立。捷克斯洛伐克總統Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk相當支持Czechoslovak Hussite Church。有網友說:「不受歡迎的外來統治者強迫人只信天主教和禁止其他基督教,很多人完全離棄信仰。從奧匈帝國獨立,第一個共和國的領導人仍然強烈反梵蒂岡,共產時期只是cherry on the top (^^)。捷克天主教會勾結共產黨,不像波蘭,無補於事。」moravianhawk說:「世俗化在第一次世界大戰完成,天主教會被視為奧地利的主要勢力。Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk鄙視天主教,大部份捷克人認同他。共產政權用了很少努力摧毀剩下的基督教,因為國家很世俗。」共產黨迫害天主教,耶穌會,而捷克政府2012年賠償教會。
然而來自宗教的迫害比共產黨更加殘暴。在Jan Hus在生時,有三人指贖罪券是騙局被人砍頭,還有其他宗教迫害不在此重複。皇帝雖確保Jan Hus的安全,但Jan Hus還是在Council of Constance下獄,有73日與朋友分離,被鎖鏈拴住,吃不飽以及生病。捷克版耶穌Jan Hus處火刑之前帽子寫著"Haeresiarcha" (meaning the leader of a heretical movement)。當他被燒至斷氣之後,骨頭被人打斷方便燒成灰。哈維爾比Jan Hus幸運,被迫害下獄,但終被釋放爭取民主反共,甚至呼籲中共釋放劉曉波,關注到啟蒙自自己有份發起的《七七憲章》的《零八憲章》等等。覺得宗教為道德底線,與文明富裕的國家的科技科學經濟有關的人是不是認為有聖誕老人在天上飛?前任天主教教宗本篤十六世叫捷克回歸信仰,當所有捷克人都有斯德哥爾摩症候群,還說要對抗Jan Hus的鬼魂,說他造成捷克社會與天主教的緊張關係。
捷克有貪污等問題要解決,但我希望捷克的文明超越德國,奧地利,重奪工業國地位。只要捷克維持白人為主,不要將自己巴西化和輸入無謂移民,還是有機會的。英國和美國的白人將變成少數民族,情況令人擔憂。不少白人國的mixed race混血兒跟無謂移民一起增加。
以前看到一篇膠文: 吳宗文是賣主的猶大
主旨: 西方的民主國家就是基督徒的國家
網友: 法西斯意大利都係天主教國家
我:不反對作者批評吳宗文牧師,敵基督的撒旦化身一向都有很多,無須驚訝。給一點意見。第一個民主的奇蹟就是異教的古希臘,民主本來就是作者眼中異教的政制。為何西方國家基督化之後不是即時民主化,要等那麼久?作者未提及過的民主國家有東正教的希臘,神道教的日本,猶太教的以色列,對宗教漠不關心的愛沙尼亞,印度教的毛里裘斯等。民主的確是人類的好政制,而我們人類從未參與過選出統治世界的神的民主選舉,連候選神的樣貌都看不到。關於天主教的捷克,在Google跟雅虎香港搜尋一下,有網頁寫捷克信奉天主教,有的寫大部份沒有宗教信仰。實情是,天主教只是捷克佔少數宗教人士最多人信奉的宗教,天主教徒大幅下降。這不是奇蹟,而是理智。脫共不代表要重投比共產黨更殘暴的宗教的懷抱。神的兒女?翻看捷克史,無論捷克人對宗教如何虔誠和敬畏神,當遇到苦難,套用moravianhawk寫過的一句「there was no God's help」。還有,作者報喜不報憂,很多黑人國家在民主指數排在較後位置,看來神運用衪的全能在民主甚至國家發展有教派,種族,人種之分。Robert Mugabe就是個天主教獨裁者,破壞了白人對羅德西亞的建設。海地在白人統治下是the jewel of the Caribbean,黑人統治下就變成失敗國家。南非恐步其兩國後塵。
Mistr Jan Hus果然如moravianhawk所說表演了最好的節目
. . . but prior to that they placed on his head a paper crown for vilification, saying to him among other things: "We commit your soul to the devil!" And he, joining his hands and lifting his eyes to heavens, said: "And I commit it to the most merciful Lord Jesus Christ on account of me, a miserable wretch, bore a much heavier and harsher crown of thorns. Being innocent, he was deemed deserving of the most shameful death. Therefore I, a miserable wretch and sinner, will humbly bear this much lighter, even though vilifying crown for His name and truth."
2翻看捷克史,無論捷克人對宗教如何虔誠和敬畏神,當遇到苦難,there was no God's help。天曉得神有沒有給與人道德。
aReasons America Is Not -- And Has Never Been -- a Christian Nation
bDaily Kos: America is Not a Christian Nation
cThe Christian Nation Myth - Secular Web
1790 Naturalization Act (An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization)
Sess. II, Chap. 3; 1 stat 103.
1st Congress; March 26, 1790.
You can find the full text of this law here or download the PDF.
This article of legislation allowed an individual to apply for citizenship if they were a free white person, being of good character, and living in the United States for two years. Upon receiving the courts approval they took an oath of allegiance which was recorded. The individual's citizenship was also extended to any children under the age of 21, regardless of their birthplace. If the applicant had never been a U.S. resident the application was disregarded.
你們大可說到宗教很重要,天花龍鳳,好像一班人做project,有個人畫了封面,裝飾一下內部,付出小小,說到自己做了很多。宗教在文明的貢獻就是這個人。宗教有如發泡膠,有如車子的裝飾,有如地上的灰塵,有如美麗油畫的一點。任何宗教都比不上一個爛花瓶,一隻手指甲。宗教不過是Rube-Goldberg machine解釋一個國家文明富裕,找出錯誤自然不堪一擊,理應拋棄。幸好捷克遠離宗教和神,才走得這麼快。
看聖經,開頭人可以跟神對話,讀了那麼多舊約,舊約告訴我們只要對神有信心就可以成功,現實根本就不是那回事。敬畏神就成功,就好像明明失敗人種沒創造優秀文明和建立文明富裕國家,有人仍然將他們失敗愚蠢說成the most successful,聰明和基因高人一等。反過來,每當遇到災難,there is no God's help。捷克史就是例子,世界上的災難就是個更好例子。神不過將災難當苦難片看,看完就算。人類發生甚麼,祂仍能安枕無憂,覺得神關心人類的人簡直令人驚訝。之前那單囚禁案,受害人的祖母感謝神讓她孫女平安無事,幾日後,我想:神令她孫女受苦就是為了聽她這句話?真荒唐!
上面,老實說,我沒興趣當美國人。我想跟Mistr Jan Hus一起。
"I turned against the left wing because they don't like genetics, because genetics implies that sometimes in life we fail because we have bad genes. They want all failure in life to be due to the evil system."
Dr. James D. Watson, PhD and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
中國人的人生追求的是“人上人”,即高人一等(或10等);“吃得苦中苦,方為人上人”,這是每個國人都牢記的《增廣賢文》裡的教子名句。 “人上人”就是官,最高的“人上人”就是皇帝。中國古代有過平均主義的平等。南宋的鐘相提出:“法分貴賤、貧富,非善法也。我行法,當等貴賤、均貧富”。這是平均主義的財富平均觀,不是權利與自由的平等,不是普遍的平等。普遍的平等是以權利概念為基礎的;中國由於沒有權利概念,財富平均觀沒有上升到法權上的權利平等,不可能有人人平等的理念!農民起義者反對的只是自己成為不平等關係中的被動一方,而希望變為不平等關係中的主動一方。因此,歷代的農民起義從根本上不可能剷除不平等,即便起義成功了,農民成了皇帝,但不平等關係依然如舊。
1. 所有起草美國重要建國文獻—獨立宣言,聯邦條款,憲法和人權法案的人,多是基督徒;如五十六名簽署獨立宣言的人中,有五十二位公開承認是信奉三一真神耶和華的虔誠基督徒(註二)。
2. 美國獨立宣言第一句即宣告:“人受造平等,造物主賦予人類生命,自由,及追求幸福等不容剝奪之權力,此皆自明之真理。”把美國立國三大基本信念表露無遺:有造物者,人乃是神所創造,神建立絕對的道德。
3. 建國之父宣告國家權力得接受神的限制;國家乃是神伸張公義的僕人,故不能取代神的地位,並以“在上有權柄的,人人當順服他,因為沒有權柄不是出於神的。凡掌權的,都是神所命的…”(羅馬書13:1-4)訂立國家的基礎,又以“順從神,不順從人,是應當的”(使徒行傳5:29)訂立在某些情況裏,有“公民不服權”(Civil Disobedience)的基礎(註三)。
4. 美國憲法根據聖經立法:政府乃是法治而不是人治;故此美國政制公開透明,全民投票,黨派自由競爭;人人生而平等(後有解放黑奴,禁止種族歧視,為國人爭取自由平等);維護人權:人人擁有神所賦予的權力,非國家所能剝奪,人權包括生命權,自由權和追求幸福權,而自由的根源來自聖經的教導,因為“主(耶穌)的靈在哪裏,那裏就得以自由”(哥林多後書3:17);人有選擇信仰權,故此“獨立宣言”後十五年,美國憲法第一條修正:“國會不可立法以建立宗教,或禁止宗教自由,或剝奪言論,出版及新聞自由。”(註四)
5. 美國國會根據聖經立法;看國會早期記錄,議員立法靈感均來自聖經。如:憲法保障三權(行政,立法與司法)分立。而“三權”的觀念,來自聖經以賽亞書32章;“分立”的觀念來自耶利米書17章,教會免稅制來自以斯拉記7章24節(註五)。
可能是你的港獨風格, 與一些大中國主義者有衝撞, 李怡的態度開放, 尚可容納你的聲音, 但換了主編之後, 又回復中國人那種講一套做一套, 排斥異已的慣性
無神論者,個個都相信人死如燈滅 無神論者不就是不信神嗎??人死如燈滅很個人。
Zimbabwe only has 217 dollars left in the bank
1 White people's fault.... Wait they all left? Uh oh... Who to blame now?
回:Every time that any race fails to achieve the success that whites do, then it is white people's fault
2 I work hard but earn a pittance. And even I'm richer than the nation of Zimbabwe.
3 I may possible have more change in a water jug than Zimbabwe has in it's bank account..... LMFAO Well let's help them out and send them all our well educated and skilled laborers from the black community..... LMFAO Ahhhh what a great story to have read before bed.
4 Not our problem, the monkeys can look after themselves for once.
Sooner we stop giving them aided money the better.
5 My how quickly things change, why, I was giving out 100 trillion dollar Zimbabwe banknotes just last Christmas!
6 This is the perfect opportunity for Whites to reclaim Zimbabwe, their government couldn't stop us, they're broke!
7 It only has 217 whites left as well
Maybe all the whites have a dollar each
Bible of Kralice的新約由Jan Blahoslav翻譯。Charles IV的雕像很好看。我很少覺得古人英俊。
Hussite教會的第一個正式殉道者:Jerome of Prague。他是John Wyclif和Jan Hus的擁護者,在英國留學帶了John Wyclif的觀點回去。Jan Hus去Council of Constance,Jerome表示如果Jan Hus有需要會幫他。Jan Hus和朋友告誡他不要來。當Jan Hus被監禁,Jerome來到Constance。因為沒有安全保護,Jerome的朋友勸他回去。Jerome回去被抓回來。他在1416年5月6日被燒死。
看油畫,素描,雕像的古人不是經常笑。 Karel IV雕像算笑得燦爛,我亦不愛笑。我認同"In other cultures, the Czech among them, sincere behavior is what counts, and smiling without feeling happy is considered hypocritical."。
Spirituality in Estonia - the world's 'least religious' country
Historic hostility
There is, however, a more telling statistic: fewer than one in five Estonians say any religion plays an important part in their lives.
It is a trend visible at every level in society. Even in schools religion does not feature on the curriculum in its own right.
Instead, in history lessons, young Estonians learn about the waves of invasion led by the Germans and Danes who brought Christianity to the country. It came to be seen as the faith of the colonisers, one rejected by the majority.
Another problem is language. Many Estonians did not understand the foreign missionaries who came to preach to them.
"The Lutherans spoke German," explains Mr Ringvee. "The Russian Orthodox came in the 19th Century and until the early 20th Century they were still speaking Russian."
Nature worshippers
"We are pagan," says Aigar Piho, father of eight children from the village of Rouge in southern Estonia.
Sitting on a log in a forest clearing he tells me: "Our god is in nature. You must take time, sit down and listen."
The worst kind of racist dictator是天主教徒,會說英語,讀過幾間大學取得幾個學士和碩士,穿西裝,還欠甚麼>不能說,以免被人說我是racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews。
Why the preference for using 'Rhodesia' rather than 'Zimbabwe'?
So, I've noticed a lot of people on here prefer using Rhodesia instead of Zimbabwe. I can guess that it has something to do with whites leaving or something along those lines, but I really do not know anything about what happened there. Would someone please enlighten me?
Rhodesia is the name the Whites gave to that place. Named after Cecil Rhodes. Rhodesia is what it was called when Whites were still in charge and it was actually still a functioning country (because Whites were in control.)
Zimbabwe is the name the Blacks gave to it when they took over, chased out or murdered most of the Whites, and destroyed the place and ran it straight into the ground (because that's what Blacks do.)
I also still insist on calling "Istanbul" Constantinople. Even though the name Istanbul is etymologically Greek and not Turkic, anyway; but that's what the Turks insist on calling it so it is what I insist on not calling it.
Black man says: Bring back Apartheid
Liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane of the BBC is told from the horses mouth (a Black South African) that Blacks were better off under Apartheid and that their lives would only get better if the Apartheid government came back to power.
Fergal: Do you ever think your life is going to get better Josef?
Josef: Maybe my life would change if the Nationalist Party came back, not the ANC.
Fergal: I don't believe you. Come on. That was a White government that put you down, that treated you terribly, you cant really believe that?
Josef: But in terms of work they didn't oppress us. We didnt struggle for work then.
It appears that even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that he supported the wrong people in South Africa, liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane still refuses to accept that he was wrong and then proceeds to tell a Black South African, living in South Africa that he, Irishman Fergal Keane who lives in Ireland knows better.
Democracy a black viewpoint
This was sent to me by a close family friend. Hes real good about finding things like this.
A black kid asks his mother, "Mama, what's a Democracy?"
"Well, son, that's when white folks work every day so we can get all our benefits; you knows like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, WIC, free healthcare, utility subsidy, and the list goes on and on, you knows".
"But mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?
"Sure they do, that's called racism!"
(Never more simply explained)
Jan Hus語錄:
"The church shines in its walls, but starves in its poor saints; it clothes its stones with gold, but leaves its children naked."
"Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth and defend the truth until death"
"One pays for confession, for mass, for the sacrament, for indulgences, for churching a woman, for a blessing, for burials, for funeral services and prayers. The very last penny which an old woman has hidden in her bundle for fear of thieves or robbery will not be saved. The villainous priest will grab it."
"God is my witness that the things charged against me I never preached. In the same truth of the Gospel which I have written, taught, and preached, drawing upon the sayings and positions of the holy doctors, I am ready to die today."
"Christ, son of the Living God, have mercy on us!"
"O sancta simplicitas!"
"I shall die with joy today in the faith of the gospel which I have preached."
s the official executioner was about to light the pyre at the feet of the reformer, he said, "Now we will cook the goose." (Huss in Bohemian means goose.) "Yes", replied Huss, "but there will come an eagle in a hundred years that you will not reach.
"Christ thou Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me."
A brief look at Rhodesia
“If the Africans, at British instigation, were literally to shut their borders with Rhodesia, they would face starvation. Rhodesia and South Africa have become the breadbasket of sub-Saharan Africa” (Neil McInnes in the “World at Work”, 1975)
ERS/USDA Data - International Macroeconomic Data Set
In real terms (adjusted for inflation), Rhodesia’s GDP in 1969 was $2.62 billion (US dollars), in 1974 this had increased to $4.15 billion. On the transition to majority (1979) rule the cumulative effects of international sanctions, insurgency and global economic slowdown had reduced the GDP to $3.82 billion. GDP per capita during this time followed a similar pattern; GDP per capita in 1969 was $490, reaching a UDI peak of $672 in 1974.
Current GDP per capita: $500. Zimbabwe's world share of GDP never rose above that experienced under Rhodesia, had been reduced by two thirds to that achieved under by Rhodesia.
UNICEF statistics:
UNICEF - Zimbabwe - Statistics
Under-5 mortality rate, 1990: 76
Under-5 mortality rate, 2006: 105
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 1990: 52
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 2006: 68
Life Expectancy 1970: 55
Life Expectancy 2006: 42
相信捷克人知道Jan Hus死了的消息比哈維爾的更加震撼。死垃圾宗教,宗教根本沒那麼神聖。宗教,不可知論無神論全部送進黑洞!!
Religious Education
In Estonia, church and state have been separated. The most widely spread religion is the Lutheran faith, but there are also people of Orthodox, Catholic and other faith. Religious Education is not compulsory in Estonian schools (however, the school must be prepared to teach the classes in case there is a sufficient number of pupils who would want to take the course). Religious Education is an elective course based on the principle of freedom of thought and religion. The lessons analyse various religions and religious movements, teach to detect the reflection of religion in cultural, social and individual life, and discuss different existentialist issues.
In case you want your child to attend Sunday school, these are organised by local churches of the particular faith.
The Church in Estonia
Catholic missionaries brought Christianity to Estonia in the 12th century, and soon, the entire nation was Christian, at least in name. But as few of the people ever learned Latin, medeival writtings suggest that the pews were filled with sleeping Estonians every Sunday. Four years after Martin Luther nailed up his 95 Theses, the Reformation came to Estonia, and soon the Catholic Churches became Lutheran Churches. The Lutheran Church remains without rival, the dominant church in Estonia, although very few individuals ever attend a worship service.
Biracial Asian Americans and mental health
Asian interest in white Germanic men?
I have been involved on forums, social and penpal sites, talking to several people from around the world for quite awhile now. And basically, I just wanted your thoughts on why the Asian races seem very interested in white Germanic men. I am of Norwegian/German descent and have a few pics of myself on my different profiles sites and I always have had numerous amounts of messages and invitations from Asian women. Even when I have made it clear on my pages that I am strictly interested in white races mostly Northern European.
Why is this?
Your thoughts?
1Just more evidence that Asians are the smartest non-White race in the world?
2We are the most desired men on the planet. Women of all races want us.
3'Cause our men look like gods.
4Asian women will marry anyone they think may have a few dollars in there pockets or will help them to get out of there country, and will give them a better life, and will import there whole family.
Its got nothing to do with love or a them being attracted to certain types of men.
回Pretty much this.
They are the greediest, most selfish race sometimes.
5Beware of Asians living in or coming from poorer countries. They are always looking for a Western "boyfriend(s)" (to send them money or take care of them financially). Do some digging online if you don't believe me, they are notorious for it.
If they are genuine, looks, temperament, wealth, and social status would be the answer as to why they like white men.
6I agree. 99.9% of Asians are like that. They only care about money and things. Even worst if you are vulnerable and have no close White family to turn to during emergency in their horrible asian hellhole.
If you have no money or nothing to give them, they most likely will ignore you, even if you need help. One just cannot depend on them for anything.
YOu will see how their behaviours changed dramatically once they see you are no longer a cash cow for them or there are no more White money flowing in from your White communities to them. Those asians continue to behave like that even though most of them are not really poor.
youtube 1 - "DESPICABLE" - Portuguese anti-racism advert
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white
youtube 2 - AntiRacist Hitler
Who were john hus and john wycliffe?
moravianhawk:Jan Hus is considered as one of the greatest Czech man and hero to its nation. He lived in the turbulent time of the late medieval era, when Bohemian kingdom entered deep economic recession as result of Black Death and was torn by class warfare between nobility, royal family, cities, and clergy. At the same time, the Catholic church weakened by Schism did not care addressing any of these issues, but only enriching itself from such situation. The burden of economic problem and civil war felt on the shoulder of the peasantry and cities, and while church became thanks to plague the largest landholder in the country. Hus as priest and professor of the Prague university had unique ability to unite various classes in the country to overcome the crisis and his preaching drew rich and poor from aristocrats to servant. The collective source of the social ill was identified with a Church that became too corrupt, arrogant, uncaring, greedy, and above the law. He preached equality of the clergy in the law and ending canonical judicial system that benefited the clergy. He wanted the church to return to the foundation of the early Christian, to care of the poor and sick, and stop behaving immorally. This words became popular with exception of the clergy. Once Rome attempted to interfere into the religious matters of the Bohemia, Hus opposed any supremacy of the papacy in the matter of the kingdom and attacked not only indulgences, but also sum of payments that country provided to Rome/Avignon. This infuriate only papacy, but the call to keep money in the country and let Czechs dealing with their own christian problems, became also call for national, independent church. The struggle between Czech majority and German dominated clergy got nationalistic and Czech identified Germans as the problem of the coinage outflow, while Germans considered Czechs as heretics. However, Hus was secured in the Bohemia, protected by dedicated knights and behind fortified cities like Prague, where prestige of the Catholic church was gone. As a symbol of unity and equality in front of God was selected Chalice (probably by friends of Hus) and reform program was defined, which called for secularization of the church property. To lure Hus out of the security of Bohemia and prevent Crusade against entire nation, he went to Constance. There unbowed and unpersuaded by the council of the entire Western Christendom with a beliefs that only one Truth based on Scripts that he had acknowledged, he appealed in public to God and was willing to die for it (+1415). Jan Hus inspired entire nation that was in the name of God and His Truth based on interpretation of Bible to engage prolonged warfare with entire Christendom and faced ultimate rejection from it until the German reformation century later.
Is the Czech Police force really corrupt?
最佳回答:Yes they are..
....I am a retired police officer. I retired as a sergeant, after 29 years, from a very large department, about 12,000 officers. I was a patrol officer for 4 years in a very diverse area. I was a tactical officer in the high rise project areas of my city. We called it vertical patrol in that we walked the the stairways of the high rises most of the time. I did that for 5 years and was promoted by test to detective. I worked violent crime (homicide, sex, officer involved shootings, robbery, kidnapping, serious non property incidents) for 11 years until I was promoted to sergeant. I worked as a street supervisor, a bicycle patrol supervisor and a desk sergeant/watch commander.
During my time as a tactical officer and a detective I was a unit representative for the police union.
I have a B.A in English and an M.S. in Law Enforcement Administration....
2moravianahwk:To the certain degree, it is corrupt. Corruption is rampant in the Czech Republic, and police is not much different. However, do not expect putting a bribes into police officer pocket to get away from speeding ticket. Most of it is based on the favoritism and what one can do for the others. Police will not coerce you into situation or not investigate a crime just because they did not get some money. Police often protects bad apples, if they are somewhat related, which is case in the small Czech communities. Large cities have very diverse force, so there is a huge gap between CSI state based police and the town paid force with basic training and limited law enforcement rules. However, corruption brought many police officers into prison and many city police were shut down. Police force in CZ either works for the elected mayors in the city, or the state force works for the elite. There was a huge scandal from couple years back, when police chief, know to be incorruptible, was found dead, with multiple stab wounds in the back and neck, hanged in the cellar, and very quickly determined by the CSI as suicide and his body cremated. This tells you enough how is there.
3Anyone claiming to be a police officer on this forum... take it with a grain of salt. If the signature is ridiculous it's far more likely to be a 10 year old troll.
I don't know about Czech police officers but I can't express to you the level of corruption in Mexico. I am a US citizen living in Mexico and I'm still shocked and floored at what I see and hear. Most of the federales are Mexican Mafia. They are well paid by the drug cartel to look the other way. The city police are just as bad but on a lesser level. If I am speeding I really don't have to worry about tickets as long as I have $10 or $20 dollars with me to pay off the officer. If you are driving without insurance and get in an accident you pay off the officer with about $100 USD and he'll change the date on the report to the next day so you can go home and insure your car.
You have to see it to believe it.
Do American schools not teach Geography?
Poor geographical knowledge is problem for ALL Western countries, not USA alone, and Asia as well. Only countries that were deeply isolated and where people could not travel freely, people tends to have good knowledge of the geography. This was the case of the Eastern Block under communist rule, but for younger generation used to live in freedom, where it can travel anywhere, they do not know much either. Believe me that if you ask any [West] German what are these two countries east of them (Czech Republic, Poland), majority will not know, or will say Russia as everything east of them is Russia. There was a international embarrassment in Germany when its chancellor referred to Czech Republic as Chechnya in the past. Twenty years ago, wife of German's president asked Olga Havel, the wife of Czechoslovak president on state reception that she likes Yugoslavian food, and where in Prague she can get Yugoslav cookbook. The Czech officer replied to her, why she would be looking for Yugoslav cookbook in Czechoslovakia and the German woman did not understand, what is the deal or difference. This story was widely gossiped in the Prague circles around 1990. My experience with western Europe is that British, France, and Dutch have very limited knowledge what countries are east of them, and pretty much they consider everything east of Germany as Russia. Dutch traveling to Austria often are surprised that they cross Czech Republic, as Prague lies north and northwest of it, and is on highway connecting Berlin with Vienna.
People from Asia do not have good geography either. They do not know all these small countries on opposite side of the globe. They only know large players like UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Russia. Therefore, Americans should not be looked harshly and judged for lacking in geography.
好好笑!לילה טוב!
Olav Tryggvason:改到第一百次記住通知我,我會給你一包優質狗餅。
'People Who Thought Chechnya Was the Czech Republic,' Collectors' Edition
1Riding Newman the Zebra
2Man Rides Zebra
3Zebra Being Ridden For The First Time!
He obviously is making some huge logical leaps - such as none of the large animals in sub-Saharan Africa could have been domesticated for agricultural work.
Saying that the Zebra is "too mean" to be domesticated is a cop out. Even if it were true what about the huge number of other large animals in Africa from the Wildebeest to the Cape Buffalo?
Just giving up on domestication and saying "That's it, we're hunter gatherers forever" is a lame excuse to say "We would have advanced if the animals we tried to domesticate weren't so mean".
And then he comes out with these fantasies of Zulu warriors riding Hippos in to battle against European cavalry - how anyone takes him seriously is astounding.
COLLAPSE How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (review)
Diamond is typical of academics and the state of scientific research in this country. Rather than proceeding from observation to hypothesis to theory, he started with a conclusion: all cultures are equal, then worked backwards, grabbing facts that would support it. Finish up with a large dose of assumption and economic ignorance.
Take one of his examples:
''........Rhino-mounted Bantu shock troops could have overthrown the Roman Empire,'' Diamond speculates, but the rhino and other large mammals of Africa defied domestication, leaving that continent at a competitive disadvantage........."
He started with the conclusion that all cultures are equal. If Europeans were able to domesticate wolves and horses but Africans were not able to domesticate rhinos, then the poor Africans just had the misfortune of living around large animals that "defy domestication" Thus, the continents, oceans and animals are racist.
經歷幾千年的發展,中國人精神和內心沒有交給超自然的神靈,這是中華歷史和文化的巨大力量在中國人心中延續傳承,影響著一代又一代的中國人。不信教是中國人的現實選擇。中國人在近代歷經滄桑、飽經苦難,為什麼沒有選擇宗教?盡管有人分析,宗教在中國有巨大需求,認為隨著中國社會經濟加快發展和轉型,社會成員的信仰問題越來越顯著,但中國社會還是以不信教的人佔絕對主體。這其中的原因最重要的就是:中國人認為宗教不能給他們的生活提供需要的精神支撐!而中國人的哲學和文化就是他們最現實的選擇。(作者是北京交通大學教授 王元豐)
Is Estonia really the least religious country in the world?
Non-Estonians (mainly immigrants of Russian stock) are considerably more religious, and this becomes even more evident among the younger generations. Surveys show that young Estonians in general have become estranged from every form of religion that could be considered as traditional or as religion at all.
For this situation there are several reasons, starting from the distant past (the close connection of the churches with the Swedish or German ruling classes) up to the Soviet-period atheist policy when the chain of religious traditions was broken in most families.
In Estonia, religion has never played an important role on the political or ideological battlefield. The institutional religious life was dominated by foreigners until the early 20th century. The tendencies that prevailed in the late 1930s for closer relations between the state and Lutheran church were ended with the Soviet occupation in 1940. While the Roman Catholic church maintained its dissident role in the Soviet countries, the Lutheran church was not successful in this. This might to have to do something with the Lutheran tradition in general as the role of the Lutheran church also in East Germany diminished considerably during the GDR days.
The 2010 Eurobarometer Poll asked whether the person believed "there is a God", believed "there is some sort of spirit of life force", or "didn't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force".
我選"there is some sort of spirit of life force"
Race is my religion and my religion is my science.
At one public event organised by Christians in Prague, eloquently entitled “March for Jesus”, the gathered crowds of believers brought multicoloured flags and banners. On one banner, the words were written in large letters “Jesus is the answer!” The owner of the banner had a large sticker with the same phrase on his car, parked at a distance. When he returned to his car after the event had finished, after the words “Jesus is the answer!” someone had written in felt-tip pen: “But what is the question?”
Fuhrer was not Christian; Jesus Christ was a Jew. Even form 3 kids knows these fact. Why fuhrer would revenge for a Jew, in the name of Christianity?
Fuhrer was not Christian - That's a debatable point but no one forced God to create der Führer.
Jesus Christ was a Jew. - Wrong!
我是其中一個,可能有非全能神,但我會當自己是無神論者。我沒有宗教信仰,信有靈魂和輪迴。我不信有可能全能,全知,全善和希God's help。
Agnostic atheism
enjoy的用法:I enjoy Jan Hus.
還有I crave Jan Hus.
我不信有可能全能,全知,全善和希God's help。
我不信有可能全能,全知,全善和有God's help。
Agnostic atheism屬於Agnosticism???平時我真的不覺得有神。
Enter a question:
Martin Luther: Fuck you, Johann Eck!!! Johann Eck: Alright, then, take off your clothes.
多次回應為Stranger 2 has disconnected
1 Stranger 2: Wat
2 Stranger 1: ♡
Stranger 2: bone a cat
You: Hello, Martin Luther! I am Jan Hus.
Stranger: heyheyhhey
You: I enjoy my private life. I fuck Sigismund.
Stranger has disconnected.
Martin Luther: You sick and immoral... I think I gonna *beep* you!
1 Question to discuss:
Martin Luther: Fuck You, Johann Eck! Johann Eck: Alright then, take off your clothes. I gonna lick you sweet pussy, my dear Martin. ♥
Stranger 1: Are you a submissive girl willing to be my slave on either kik or skype.
不錯的邀請 ♥
Martin Luther:別忘了狗鍊,狗帶,皮鞭!衰狗!
2 Question to discuss:
Jan Hus: Do you wanna fuck? Me: Yes, I wanna do.
Stranger 2: No
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1: .,,,
Martin Luther:沒羞恥之心,發夢去吧!
我:那些古人都不是Jan Hus!
3 Question to discuss:
Martin Luther: Fuck You, Johann Eck! Johann Eck: Alright then, take off your clothes. I gonna lick you sweet pussy, my dear Martin. ♥ Who would you rather play, female Martin Luther or Johann Eck?
Stranger 2: ur mum
4 Question to discuss:
Martin Luther: Fuck You, Johann Eck! Johann Eck: Alright then, take off your clothes. I gonna lick you sweet pussy, my dear Martin. ♥ Who would you rather play, female Martin Luther or Johann Eck?
Stranger 2: Gay!
Stranger 2: Love gays!
Stranger 1: I rather stay me
Stranger 2: Same:O
Martin Luther:阿狗,你實在太過份了!
Olav Tryggvason:丁丁,你說大家要怎樣確認你的性別?
Olav Tryggvason:狗狗要玩多p?
Martin Luther繼續。
Question to discuss:
Martin Luther: *sob* This guy, Johann Eck is asking me to take off my clothes. Am I fuckable??
Stranger 1: woah woah woah
Stranger 1: WTF
Stranger 1: Lol this is for youtube
Stranger 2: ??
Martin Luther:神啊!請懲罰這隻罪狗!
Olav Tryggvason:狗狗是不是來搞笑的?
Jens Stoltenberg=Agnostic
1Atheism-Implicit atheism
2Agnosticis-Agnostic atheism
我不信有可能全能,全知,全善和有God's help。如果有主宰,創造者,可能是非全能神,其他力量,生物。
Martin Luther:神又是你,鬼又是你。昨晚,你竟然打如此下流的東西,你才要脫衣服!
我:幹麼我要這樣做?你不是Jan Hus。
Olav Tryggvason:你不是狗嗎?狗會有宗教信仰,離奇。
Question to discuss:
Johann Eck: When will Martin Luther take off his/her clothes? He/she ordered me to fuck him/she last night.
Stranger 1: i ur mother ordered me to fuck her last night
Stranger 2: derp
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 2: Tomorrow
Stranger 2: Hmmm
Stranger 2: Id say in a day or two
Stranger 1: Not even worth my time.
Question to discuss:
Johann Eck rips off Martin Luther's trousers. He cannot believe what he sees before his very eyes. He can't wait. That's it. Martin Luther: Fuck! Johann Eck: Yes, FUCK! Don't you love fucking me? ♥
Stranger 2: Wat
Stranger 2: No
Martin Luther:Fuck you~~~~~~
我:Well... Ask Johann Eck to satisfy you.
Olav Tryggvason:Beh... Martin... Sembri che lo vuole scopare.
Question to discuss:
Johann Eck rips off Martin Luther's trousers. He cannot believe what he sees before his very eyes. He can't wait. That's it. Martin Luther: Fuck! Johann Eck: Yes, FUCK! Don't you love fucking me? ♥
Stranger 1: wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Stranger 2: my nightmare has come true
Stranger 2: Shhhh
Stranger 1: dddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaafffffffuuuuqqq
Stranger 2: it never happened
Stranger 1: ahahahah
Stranger 2: Mr. Blue Sky!
Stranger 1: he went away now
Stranger 2: Thanks.... he better not come back
Stranger 2: I love man... dont leave me
Stranger 2: PLEASE!
Stranger 1: dnt get too happy you never know
Stranger 1: he's like the wind
Stranger 2: I will, ill take happy pills.
Stranger 2: Ill be happy all the time
Stranger 2: you will see
Stranger 2: you'll all see
Stranger 1: be careful your not there when he blows
Stranger 2: hjahahahahahaha
Stranger 2: ahahaha
Stranger 2: hahahaha
Stranger 2: hahahahahahahahah
Stranger 2: hahahahahahahaha
Stranger 1: ahahahha........................ your sad
Stranger 2: You're*
Stranger 2: And thank you!!!
Stranger 2: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Stranger 1: old mr blue he made the sky trun black and flew straight back
Stranger 1: shhhhhh
Stranger 1: dnt go too far
Stranger 2: No look up E.L.O Mr. blue sky
Stranger 2: it will blow your mind!!
Stranger 2: BOOOM!
Stranger 2: Brain mess everywhere
Stranger 1: ............ i like my brain where it is thank you
Stranger 1: and good day
Stranger 1: i said good day!!!!
Stranger 2: But its eveing
Stranger 2: egiubhdfsiklgdfsnh g3hj qerwmmg tr
Stranger 2: \zxcbvnm,.
Stranger 2: fg
Stranger 2: tujkgj]u
Stranger 2: k;'yk'fxgh
Stranger 2: ;j[
Stranger 2: k;lcxkhj[oxfkg]#j
Stranger 2: #ttkj;trxklj
Stranger 2: rkjf#'g,;j,;lf
Stranger 2: Yeah see what happens
Stranger 1 has disconnected
Czech Republic: Most Atheist Country in Europe?
The Czech Republic may be a great place to live for atheists - even those Czechs who aren't atheist are, by and large, disdainful of organized religion. A recent poll and found that only 33.6% of Czechs belong to a religion and only 11.7% attend services once a month or more. That's the lowest rate for any country in Europe aside from Estonia.
More importantly, perhaps, is the fact that Czechs are quite proud of this. A couple of years ago, the LA Times quoted Lawrence Cada:
There’s a hostility toward what religion did to them in the past. The Czechs say they’re the most atheist country in Europe, and they say it with some pride This is how Western civilization may look in 50 years, because people here believe they live a full life without any religion.
Roman Catholicism is the traditional religion of this region, but people aren’t giving it much attention. They see it as a religion of oppression and there aren’t enough priests to meet what little demand there is for them — it isn’t uncommon or one priest to have to travel to nine parishes to celebrate Mass. According to psychiatrist Libor Growsky:
I’m a nonbeliever. It’s connected to our history. Religion limited the freedom of the people. I don’t see a difference between the Communists and the Catholics. They each want people to comply with their ideals My sense of morality comes from literature and my family.
Perhaps the most telling symbol of this is St. Vitus Cathedral, the Gothic centerpiece of Hradcany Castle. The Roman Catholic Church wants to regain control of it. The government, however, views it as a museum for the past and wants to keep it that way. A fitting state of affairs, it seems to me.
JAN ŽIŽKA (1955) - The First Prague Defenestration
JAN ZIZKA (1955) - Battle of Sudomer 1
JAN ZIZKA (1955) - Battle of Sudomer 2
殺鳩死Charles IV個死仆街仔Sigismund!!!
In italian do you say "mio amore" or "amore mio"?
which is the correct word for "my love"
if you want to call someone my love, say amore mio..
my love, you are the answer to my prayers
amore mio, tu sei la risposta alle mie preghiere
my love, could you come here please...
amore mio, potresti venire qui per favore?
oh please, don't do that to me.. my love
oh ti prego, non farmi questo... amore mio
BUT... when MY LOVE is the subject in the sentence, we say il mio amore
my love for you is true
il mio amore per te è vero
my love for you is more deep than the ocean
il mio amore per te è più profondo dell'oceano
my love has no limits
il mio amore non ha limiti
here another examples i cannot explain with words...
don't forget my love
non dimenticare il mio amore (what don't you have to forget? my love..)
don't forget ME,,, my love
non dimenticarMI (non dimenticare me) AMORE MIO (what don't you have to forget??? ME, NOT MY LOVE... you must not forget me... my love)
i don't know how to say, when my love is "adjunct" ( i hope i chose the right word) is complemetary in a sentence we say il mio amore:
non dimenticare il mio amore...
but in 2nd example you still call someone my love because the complementary is ME... SO WE SAY AMORE MIO
non dimenticare me (dimenticarmi is better) amore mio
i'm italian, i don't speak very well english, i hope you appreciate my effort to explain... it's not easy and sorry for mistakes in my english...
mi manchi=to me you are missed=I miss you
Sono stanca e ho sonno.
I am tired and have sleepiness.
I am tired and sleepy.
Mi piace Jan Hus.
Jan Hus pleases me.
I like Jan Hus.
1 Jan Hus: Vuoi andare cinema?
Jan Hus: Do you want to go to the cinema?
Me: Sì. Vengono anche Martin Luther e Olav Tryggvason.
Me: Yes. They go also Martin Luther and Olav Tryggvason.
Me: Yes. Martin Luther and Olav Tryggvason go also.
2 Jan Hus: Quanti anni ha Martin Luther?
Jan Hus: How many years has Martin Luther?
Jan Hus: How old is Martin Luther?
Olav Tryggvason: Avrà 600 anni.
Olav Tryggvason: He will have 600 years.
Olav Tryggvason: He is probably 600.
Martin Luther: Fuck you!!
Me: Vaffanculo!
3 Olav Tryggvason: Che cosa è questo?
Olav Tryggvason: What thing is this?
Olav Tryggvason: What is this?
Jan Hus: Questo è il mio libro.
Jan Hus: This is the my book.
Jan Hus: This is my book.
4 Me: Come ti chiami?
Me: How to you you call?
Me: What is your name/What do you call yourself?
Martin Luther: Mi chiamo Martin Luther.
Martin Luther: I am Martin Luther.
Jan Hus: Vuoi andare cinema?-> Jan Hus: Vuoi andare al cinema?
Me: Sì. Vengono anche Martin Luther e Olav Tryggvason.
Me: Yes. Martin Luther and Olav Tryggvason go also.->Me: Yes. Martin Luther and Olav Tryggvason come also.
5 Martin Luther: Che ora è/Che ore sono?
Martin Luther: What hour is it?/What hours are they?
Martin Luther: What time is it?
That's why I don't believe in God.
6 Martin Luther: Quando parti?
Martin Luther: When do you leave?
Jan Hus: Parto domani.
Jan Hus: I leave tomorrow.
Jan Hus: I will leave tomorrow.
could you change a new topic, please, Dr Chung?
recently some workplace issues impacted on me, and I complained to the chain of command (now some find me 神憎鬼厭 too, man).
I was referred to see psychologists, as I can link it back to the WTF 4 June 1989 where I had been impacted without knowing (I got PTSD pending further investigation).
It was also at this Council that a cardinal ventured to correct Sigismund's Latin (he had construed the word schisma as feminine rather than neuter). To this Sigismund replied:
I am king of the Romans and above grammar
Sigismund: Screw Latin! I make grammatical mistakes!!
Ek wil Afrikaans leer.
Black man says: Bring back Apartheid
Liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane of the BBC is told from the horses mouth (a Black South African) that Blacks were better off under Apartheid and that their lives would only get better if the Apartheid government came back to power.
Fergal: Do you ever think your life is going to get better Josef?
Josef: Maybe my life would change if the Nationalist Party came back, not the ANC.
Fergal: I don't believe you. Come on. That was a White government that put you down, that treated you terribly, you cant really believe that?
Josef: But in terms of work they didn't oppress us. We didnt struggle for work then.
It appears that even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that he supported the wrong people in South Africa, liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane still refuses to accept that he was wrong and then proceeds to tell a Black South African, living in South Africa that he, Irishman Fergal Keane who lives in Ireland knows better.
(anti-racist) Swedish government calls for ethnic cleansing of the native Swedes
Swedish government invites 21 million Arabs to move to Sweden. Almost three for every one Swede.
Can't trace your roots back to the 13 colonies? Then YOU leave
I'm Black and my ancestry dates back to slavery in South Carolina with my roots in the Ivory Coast.
If your parents were immigrants that came post 1900 you white people should leave and go back to Europe.
My ancestors were here 200+ years before yours were.
1I'm 100% white. My ancestors came here in about 1590, fought in the Revolutionary war, and I have extensive documentation of this. I'm the "posterity" mentioned in the Constitution and I say that YOU (Non-whites) leave the 13 Colonies at least.
2Only Whites were allowed citizenship during that time period. Negroes were not considered to be fully human, they were property, they were farm equipment, a commodity that was bought and sold. Your ancestors were the equivalent of a John Deere Tractor.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3Sure, I would love too. Just pay for my moving expenses, and airfare. Tell your Nigerian cousins, to get out of Ireland. Then we have a deal.
4Maybe we should, just as a cruel little experiment. Leave the USA entirely to blacks, and see how long it takes to become fully Third World. They will beg us so fast, our civilization and our productivity to come back and save them from their own incompetence. They need someone to leech off of and blame for all their inadequacies!
回:We don't have to, it's already been done in Detroit.
黨:Australian Protectionist Party,Australia First Party....
一日做愛六次 華女被控騙精
在Bethlehem Chapel
Olav Tryggvason: 狗狗2013年的大發現。
Jan Hus: 我沒有波希米亞護照。
Martin Luther: 連狗都有投票權...Jan Hus回來了。你去了哪裡?
Jan Hus:未來,我得知這裡叫做捷克。我看到自己的雕像,聽到現代捷克語,看到漂亮的建築,紙幣沒有我,bla bla bla,最令我驚訝的是大部分人沒有宗教信仰。聽到這裡的歷史我深表遺憾。
請即登記做選民, 登記截止日期為香港時間8月12日下午6時
參與投票的澳洲人請即行動,登記成為選民,登記截止日期為8月12日下午6時(坎培拉時間晚上8時) 。
澳洲總領事Paul Tighe先生表示: 「約有九萬名澳洲人視香港為他們的家,其中大多數是合資格的選民。」
選民可上網確認其選民登記,網址: https://oevf.aec.gov.au,或與澳洲選舉委員會聯絡,電郵: info@aec.gov.au,電話: +61 2 6273 8606。仍未做選民登記的人士也可於上述網址登記為選民。
連我老母都不知可以投票,她說有人說不投票會罰款,我告訴她海外澳洲人不會被罰錢。Ons is gelukkig.
Religion in Australia (2011)
Protestant (33.2%)
Roman Catholic (25.3%)
No religion (22.3%)
Undeclared (9.4%)
Eastern Orthodox (2.6%)
Buddhism (2.5%)
Islam (2.2%)
Hinduism (1.3%)
Other religions (1.2%)
宗教有醫院學校是好事,但宗教令我聯想到暴行,戰爭,自相殘殺,破壞道德,破壞文明,打壓自由民主等。看了捷克史,我亦有看過Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk生平。他小時候看到不公平,質疑過天主教教疑,最大功勞是建立民主國家。當時fokken奧匈帝國打壓不少民族,他被迫流亡出國,尋求英法和要令民主安全屹立世界的威爾遜。他死後不久,夢想破裂。有拉格之春,天鵝絨革命是人搞的,不是神。我對哈維爾的感覺是他諷刺地是個天主教徒和比Jan Hus幸運。
我跟老爸說過有捷克人回答人們在黑死病時的反應寫過的「No matter how much they had prayed, there was no God's help.」他說這人寫得好,宗教沒用騙人。對啊!世界有那麼多災難,捷克人在歷史上信神,如moravianhawk所說,神沒有來幫忙。
宗教與文明,我亦可以說節日禁忌迷信與文明有關,因為每個國家都有。要不要訂7月6日為Jan Hus Day?
Poll: Czechs trust radio, TV, army, not churches
30 March 2012
Prague, March 29 (CTK) - Czechs mostly trust the radio (65 percent), television (56 percent) and the military (57 percent) and they have the lowest confidence in churches (29 percent), according to a CVVM agency's poll conducted in early March and released Thursday.
Churches have been considered the least trustworthy social institution in the long term, the pollsters said.
A majority of Czechs have confidence in the police, the press and nongovernmental organisations, the poll showed.
Banks, courts and trade unions were trusted by less than half of the respondents.
Men more often than women lack trust in churches and the military.
People with higher incomes tend to have more confidence in courts, banks, NGOs, the police and the military.
While older people trust churches more often, younger people have confidence in nongovernmental organisations.
University graduates have more confidence in banks and less confidence in unions, compared to people with lower education.
On the other hand, left-wing supporters tend to trust trade unions and distrust courts and banks.
Confidence in selected social institutions (in percent):
strongly trusts more or less trusts more or less distrusts strongly distrusts undecided
Radio 9 56 23 6 6
TV 7 49 31 9 4
Army 11 46 20 10 13
Police 8 46 34 10 2
Press 6 44 36 11 3
Courts 6 39 35 15 5
Banks 7 40 33 16 4
Unions 7 39 23 12 19
NGOs 10 40 22 9 19
Churches 7 22 29 26 16
Source: CVVM
歐洲水災令我想起John of Nepomuk。此人因不肯向Charles IV之子Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia透露皇后的告解內容,國王下令將他由Charles Bridge扔進了伏爾塔瓦河。此人的雕像有五顆星,左手摸了雕像許願就能實現,後果如何要問摸過的人。此人亦是抵禦洪水的主保聖人,可是洪水還是要來,造成傷亡。
Dis 'n lekkere antwoord.
問題:Why did secularism arise with separation of church and state in Europe?
What effects has this had today in changes of the role of tradition and the choice of personal lifestyles?
In what ways could it be argued that Islamic fundamentalism is a reaction against liberal secularism of the west?
What specific geographic concepts can be used to understand the tension between an Islamic East and a secular West?
Secularization of Church, its power and wealth in Europe was an issue that was laid out during Schism at the end of the 14th century. First large secularization of the Roman Catholic church happened in Kingdom of Bohemia at 15th century followed by Germany and Scandinavia century later. The issue between the control of the Church by the state or let the state being controlled by the Church was unsolved for next 200 years. The French Revolution brought distinct definition and formulation of the separation of the church and state. It followed by violent dechristinization of the France during 1790-1795. The repossession of the church's property and subjecting clergy under the control of the state was later modeled around Europe on similar French principles. Some countries went through violent secularization like Russia, some went through gradual universal rejection by the masses like it happened in Czechoslovakia in 1920's. European society from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Industrialization was a christian society. The state, social, and cultural institutions were build upon Christian principles. People could not imagine education, healthcare, social services, and spiritual guidelines without the Church. However, once the power of the Church was broken, hospitals, universities, and culture still prospered. This further fueled a desire for society that had not only freedom of religion but also freedom from religion. USA is the only country in the West that went through opposite direction and each subsequent upheaval in USA was followed by another religious awakening.
For Europeans, the Church stopped being the part of their cultural heritage during industrialization. They seen than implementation of the biblical principles during medieval times did not benefited society as whole, and society has not failed when Church was removed from it. Islamic fundamentalism is a reaction to the Western colonization, but Europe is not interested in secularized of the Middle East. It would hope in it, but it is not something Europeans are interested to wage a war for it. Secularization was an internal process that went through each European country between 1789-1917. Europe is not interested in Middle East. It been involved, there since medieval times, and it does not care much about it. It does not have resources and desire to be involved there. USA has own specific agenda, but American and European opinions fundamentally differs on Middle East and Islam. Europe is more vulnerable to the tensions with Islams and tries to approach the region differently than USA. However, it is the best interest to keep that region stable.
Advance Australia Fair!!
What do you think about public schools teaching religion?
In my town, our public schools teach the "history" of christianity in history/social studies classes.
Christianity only. Not the history of islam, or anything jewish. Just christianity, claiming some history about jesus christ is true.
keep in mind this is a PUBLIC school, not a catholic one.
Shouldnt they teach about all/no religions then?
I get a little ticked off when all we do is learn about christianty but leave out other religions.
Is that biased?
your honest opinions appreciated.
If that happened in Australia, the teachers responsible would be sacked *so* fast. =P
Last thing a school needs is a religious bias, thank you very much.
Not much you can do. Is it legal in your state? A complaint might be necessary if this is a serious issue. If it's a one-off thing, you could probably get away with ignoring it. People who believe in jesus tend to think he existed historically. There's nothing you can do beyond correct them every time they say something.
And that just comes off as abrasive. =P
Jan Hus文筆不錯,譯者譯得不錯。信內有基督教風格,讓我學一下。
Letters of John Huss Written During His Exile and Imprisonment
Martin Luther:魯迅是誰?我不是叫Martina!!!!!!!!
我:究竟魯迅是誰呢?Martina和丁丁是你的花名,Jan Hus的花名是燒鵝和Goose,Olav Tryggvason的花名是鵝拉布。'
Martin Luther:還以為我們的花名是洋腸。
Letter VI
Jan Hus,在希望中的耶穌基督的僕人,給愛神的人,承認祂的法律......
就算學校不教魯迅也沒關係,他的文章跟文言文一樣難以明白。學校應該教Jan Hus的文章和背景,以令學生了解宗教的真實。
花blom (plural blomme)
樹boom (plural bome)
樹枝tak (plural takke)
Jan Hus回想起當神父以前,浪費時間玩西洋棋激怒自己和他人很有罪覺感。
Hus reproached himself with his youthful levity, especially the time he wasted in chess, and his inability to lose a game without anger. Such reproaches, as in the case of Cromwell, Bunyan, and the Puritans in general, are rather the evidence of a tender conscience than of any real depravity of heart.
But I beg you, by the mercy of Jesus Christ, not to follow me in any frivolity that you have seen in me. You know that, alas! before I became a priest, I was fond of chess and often played it, wasted my time, and through my playing was unfortunate enough to provoke myself and others to anger. For this sin and for the other innumerable sins that I have committed, I commend myself to your prayers for forgiveness to our dear Lord. Do not be slow to ask for His mercy that it may please Him to guide my life, and when I have overcome the evils of this present life, the world, the flesh, and the devil, to give me a place at least on the Judgment Day1 in the heavenly country.
No more new article? Why?
經典金曲 - 扮靚仔 1961 (鄭君綿)
聲線真難聽,性高潮變性冷感,不是Marián Vojtko的水平。
瑞典Byz - Do you wanna fuck很好聽
Afrikaans - Sarie Marais
"Sarie Marais" (also known as "My Sarie Marais") is a traditional Afrikaans folk song, created during either the First Anglo-Boer War (ca. 1880) or the Second Anglo-Boer War (ca. 1900). The tune was possibly taken from a song called Ellie Rhee dating from the American Civil War, (itself probably a version of the traditional folk song The Foggy Dew,) and the words translated into Afrikaans. The title is pronounced "May SAH-ree mah-REH".
My Sarie Marais is so ver van my hart,
Maar'k hoop om haar weer te sien.
Sy het in die wyk van die Mooirivier gewoon,
Nog voor die oorlog het begin.
O bring my t'rug na die ou Transvaal,
Daar waar my Sarie woon.
Daar onder in die mielies
By die groen doringboom,
Daar woon my Sarie Marais.
Ek was so bang dat die Kakies my sou vang
En ver oor die see wegstuur;
Toe vlug ek na die kant van die Upington se sand
Daar onder langs die Grootrivier.
Die Kakies is mos net soos 'n krokodillepes,
Hulle sleep jou altyd water toe;
Hul gooi jou op 'n skip vir 'n lange, lange trip,
Die josie weet waarnatoe.
Verlossing het gekom en die huis toe gaan was daar,
Terug na die ou Transvaal;
My lieflingspersoon sal seker ook daar wees
Om my met 'n kus te beloon.
Originally Posted by Thatjew View Post
Africans couldn't do too much with their agriculture because their animals were just not meant for domestication. They are just too aggressive and too large.
Ok, that might be true, but it was then.
What about now?
The Africans can import domesticated animals and they're doing it, alongside with the latest fertalizers and know how. But why even today, even in Africa, the most productive farmers are still Whites?
Why South Africa, for the first time from its formation as a state almost 400 years ago, in the last two decades became a net importer of agricultural goods? Maybe this fact have some relation to the "oh-so-welcomed" event of White genocide in the country; to the event of nationalization of farms, which belonged to Whites, after Apartheid went down?
What about Rhodesia? Today the empowered Africans there can not reacheven a thirth of the volume of agricultural production in the times when the country belonged to Whites. And I can give you several other examples.
And we talk only about agriculture, mind you. What about the other domains of public and social life? The quality of education in Rhodesia then and Zimbabwe today? The health care? The infrastucture? The public security? The overall quality of life?
What happened to these?
I'll tell you what happaned. Negro happened.
Eason Chan 陳奕迅 《陀飛輪》MV
Afrikanerhart - Bok Van Blerk (English subtitles)
Afrikanerhart song about the Boer war(1899-1902) - the Boer War lasted three years and was very bloody. The British fought directly against the Transvaal and the Orange Free State(Boere). The bloodshed that was seen during the war was alarming .
Battle of Magersfontein
It was fought on 11 December 1899 at Magersfontein near Kimberley on the borders of the Cape Colony and the independent republic of the Orange Free State. General Piet Cronje and General De la Rey's Boer troops defeated the British troops under Lieutenant General Lord Methuen, who had been sent to relieve the Siege of Kimberley.
"the words"
Jopie Fourie(Boer Hero) was born in the Pretoria district in 1878. He was a scout during the Boer War, and was wounded and captured in action north of Pretoria.
After the war he became a captain in the Active Citizen Force, and in 1914 decided to join the rebellion in protest against Prime Minister Louis Botha's decision to invade German South West Africa as part of the international war effort against Germany.
He was captured in the Rustenburg area on 16 December 1914 and was court-martialled. On 20 December of the same year he was executed by firing squad.
Before the execution he asked that they shoot him threw his Afrikaner Heart
And not in his face!!
在$@!$休息完回來,想起魯迅。雖說他的文章救不了中國人,Jan Hus的基督教風格書信和,聖經更好看。
聰明人:幻想他長得跟Jan Hus一樣
Jan Hus令我有點掃興。第二次肯做。
我沒想到Olav Tryggvason有這些玩具,棒!亦不能否認他做得比Jan Hus好。
Jan Hus X Olav Tryggvason X 我
Martin Luther配角一名。
Martin Luther:哼!我才不稀罕!
Jan Hus:幹麼要這樣做?
Olav Tryggvason:我很清楚劇本。放心!我絕對將狗狗當人類女孩子看待。(心想:只有10歲,嘻嘻嘻!)
nothing new nothing special
Affluent black children still score lower than poor white children on Ohio achievement tests, white people blamed
Left-wing media blames "white teachers" for poor performance by black children.
22. Poverty is the cause of lower nigger test scores in school
聰明人:幻想他長得跟Jan Hus一樣
以前讀完中史就算,忘記中史內容,近代史很複雜。看多幾次聰明人和傻子和奴才,看解釋+聰明人和傻子和奴才的定義。總覺得自己的改編跟原文思想有很大出入。教廷,教會,Jan Hus,農奴,Habsburg...
Letters of John Huss Written During His Exile and Imprisonment
second series
letter viii-給布拉格居民
魯迅-聰明人和傻子和奴才大意和改編 回復/查看為0 / 517
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我幻想自己是Jan Hus的守衛,守護Bethlehem Chapel。有牧羊人,要有牧羊犬!!
‘Hitherto,’ he writes, ‘I have preached in towns and market-places; now I preach behind hedges, in villages, castles, fields, woods. If it were possible, I would preach on the seashore, or from a ship, as my Saviour did’—an interesting passage with which we may compare a statement in his Letters (infra, p. 101). He specially mentions as a favourite pulpit ‘a lime-tree near Kozi.’ One thing gravely distressed him. ‘Jesus went to preach on foot, not like our modern preachers, proudly carried in a carriage. I, alas! drive.’ His excuse is necessity. ‘I could not otherwise possibly get in time to places so far distant.’
今世沒有遺憾沒有加入任何人類宗教。還未提宗教性別歧視。羅馬帝國鉛中毒造成死胎、流產和不育?Charles IV的老婆們,Isabella I of Castile,她女兒,女婿創立聖公會Henry VIII of England的老婆都有此類問題。
仍然是fxxk you的最佳反應。支持Martin Luther x Johann Eck這對組合。
Question to discuss:
I (female Martin Luther) say "Fxxk you, Johann Eck! Jesus Christ is the head of the church!" Johann Eck replies "Alright then, take off your clothes." I blush. I don't know why. What should I do?
Stranger 2: Take off your clothes
Stranger 2: Duhh
Stranger 1: yes I agree
Stranger 2: And stick his cock in you
Stranger 2: Nice and slow
Stranger 1: and axe in his head
Stranger 2: Then just go crazy on him tell he cums in you
Stranger 2: Then have his baby
Stranger 1: than bite off his cock
Stranger 1: and kill it with fire
Question to discuss:
I (female Martin Luther) moan "Ah~ Johann~~" Johann Eck is fondling me, kissing, licking me and ... I really enjoy him. Johann Eck says "Hey,babe..."
Stranger 1: this piques my interest
Stranger 1: not my sexual interest, mind you
Stranger 1: but my psychological interest
Stranger 2: Lol
Stranger 2: That seems serious stranger
Stranger 2: Psychological thing
Stranger 1: i didn't know protestant reformation fic was a thing
Stranger 2: Lol
Stranger 2: Too chim english
Stranger 2: Lol
Stranger 1: i learned something new today
Stranger 2: Ok
Stranger 2: Chim means difficult
Stranger 1: to what are you referring?
Stranger 2: Protestant...fic? What does that means?
Stranger 1: the protestant reformation was a major split from the catholic church
Stranger 2: Oh ic...
Stranger 1: and fic is short for fiction, which is what the original poster was writing
Stranger 1: so... yeah
Stranger 2: Oh ic
Stranger 2: Thank u buddy
I wish I were White! Ek wil nie lelik wees nie!!
Whites have done a good job in building and maintaing White countries. I hope some White countries will get rid of the Jewish communist influence entirely.
Alas, I have no hope in China. Ek weet dat God nie daar is om te help nie.
I do not want my wish to be broken. I'd rather disappear instead of being a poor wretch.
>>>羅馬帝國鉛中毒造成死胎、流產和不育?Charles IV的老婆們,Isabella I of Castile,她女兒,女婿創立聖公會Henry VIII of England的老婆都有此類問題。
Jan Hus打爛我的狗屋...
Jan Hus:沒關係,我算是一個牧羊人,需要一隻牧羊犬。來吧!上我的馬車!
Question to discuss:
Somewhere in the forest... I ask Jan Hus, " How long do we have to walk, Goose?" We have been walking longer than we expect in the forest! Jan Hus replies, "Your lips become sexy when you're sulky."
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Somewhere in the forest... I ask Jan Hus, " How long do we have to walk, Goose?" We have been walking longer than we expect in the forest! Jan Hus replies, "Your lips become sexy when you're sulky."
Stranger 1: Haha.
Black man says: Bring back Apartheid 改編
Queen says: I want my husband dead.
A friend of a 17-year-old queen of some country is told from the queen that she doesn't want to have more kids at the moment but the king is always nagging her about it.
The friend: How is it going, my friend?
The queen: Maybe it is going well if my dear husband stops nagging me to have more kids.
The friend: Did something happen?
The queen: I had my first kid in last two years then second last year. They are all gone...
The friend: Oh... poor girl. You'd better have a rest.
The queen: This 15-year-old stupid kid cannot understand. My second cousin, his brother already has a son. This kid wants a son to be king. If it is a girl, he wants her to marry his nephew. That's crazy!!! He can nag me about that when he rests in peace.
It appears that the queen is exhausted and angry and she needs a rest. She is still complaining about her husband, even though the king is riding a horse going to her.
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