Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Posted by 鍾祖康 at 1/15/2013 05:15:00 AM
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國賊! 如果民主是要先把自己的國家如豺狼所噬,先把自己的同胞置於水深火熱,這是民主嗎。你這些廢話,不單成為右翼倭寇的笑柄,倘若成為事實,更會把中國推向深淵,殺害千百萬無辜生靈。-愛中國的人
「中國情花毒」一語出自陳雲(註一),用來指那些「終身陷於對中國的苦戀之中」的人,他們「主張香港要有民主,必須先要在中國實施民主,於是鼓勵香港人投身中國民主運動」;陳雲認為中了中國情花毒便會分不清「香港與中國的界線 […] 縱容中共推出各種中港融合政策,令香港無法實現本土優先的公共政策,令香港無法保護自己的本土經濟利益」,因此,他主張香港人「投入本土政治,那麼共產黨就無法可施,無從捆綁香港人,幾百萬人集中火力爭取香港民主,香港民主就可以很快實現」。
假設陳雲說對了,香港人應以香港本土利益為先,而「放棄中國」是爭取香港民主的最有效之路。那麼,有心參與爭取香港民主的人士,豈非就應唯陳雲馬首是瞻、追隨他的路線?且慢!陳雲的其他言論,尤其是最近的一篇文章〈復漢邦,興中國 --- 從《香港城邦論》寫到《香港遺民論》〉,充分顯示出他中了一種比中國情花毒更毒的毒,即華夏情花毒也。中了中國情花毒,不過是會「死死攬住中國」--- 現實裏的中國;中了華夏情花毒可不得了,會苦戀只是「藏於心底的中國」,即所謂華夏文化,因而妄想「華夏建國」,妄想令「中國本土、台灣、香港與澳門」結成「中華邦聯」,妄想「恢復類似周朝的狀態,就是要克服秦朝帶來的中央集權暴政,這是拯救華夏命脈的大事」(註二)。
(註二)見陳雲〈重造封建,再立共和 --- 中國的文化建國〉。
Posted by W. Wong at 01:54 Labels: 不吐不快
像你這樣的國賊,有資格搬葛教授的書出來說三道四嗎? 不知所謂! 你這篇劣作,讓我懷疑你的智商水平! 你倒底讀過歷史沒有? 甲午之戰後,日本對中國做了什麼? 世界對中國做了什麼,要我提起你的耳朵作就一篇嗎? 你中學時上中史堂都是在做白日夢,畫圖畫嗎?
你是不是一隻日本狗, 俾日本狗公強姦左你? 搞到你語無倫次.
For those of you who love China so much, live there - regardless you born in HK or held a foreign passport
Those who strongly support the detach from China by all means stay in HK.
I got a negative comment from fb frd who educated in UK. I mean, I could understand the fears of stable middle class:
1. War is not good not matter what
2. why hazzle?
3. you trouble maker stay away to inflict any politic change that will affect my job/ mortgage payment.
Maybe HK middle class does have a job FOR NOW. but had you think about your children??
The CCP style education, CCP Style Food.
Dont Cry when you realize mainlander taken everything!
youtube:Anti-racist is a code-word for Anti-white.
回:If the race is good so is the country. Your right. Other races come here because they aren't capable of building or maintaining a civilization on par with the West. But that's not the problem of Europeans now is it? They have their own countries. If they can't build a decent society that is their problem. We are not responsible for them.
至於富強基督教國家多是白人國家,至於世俗,Irreligion遲些才說。落後的基督教國家以非白人的mixed race,黑人國家為主。我近期在思考美國黑人犯罪高,基督徒犯罪率,兩者之間有correlation。
1African Americans top U.S. religious measures-Pew
- Nearly eight in 10 blacks (79 percent) say religion is very important in their lives, compared with 56 percent among all U.S. adults.
- Blacks attend religious services and pray more frequently than the general population. While 39 percent of all Americans report attending religious services at least once a week, 53 percent of blacks report the same.
- Similarly, while 58 percent of all Americans report praying at least once a day, 76 percent of blacks report praying daily.
- The vast majority of blacks are Protestant (78 percent), compared with 51 percent of the U.S. adult population as a whole.
2African American Religion
yahoo answer
幾位匿名, 講得咁義憤, 點解唔去自願當兵呀? 年紀太大? 何不做人肉炸彈, 在日本本土, 殺他幾十人都有著數呀, 苯撚實….唔敢? 你又敢喺呢度打飛機??
共產黨又係既, 講到似層層, 仲以為打得成, 人地一出飛機演習, 就做烏龜縮頭? 十足十台兒莊抗日血戰, 祗用口開戰, 讓國軍去頂, 自己則縮頭?
講來講去, 共產黨就係怕惡, 驚死. 韓、越、印度等戰役, 都係一有小甜頭就馬上走, 叫做勝利喎….笑撚死人啦.
當年日本唔打中國, 中共又點會成功上位, 毛主席都話日本是恩人, 所以作者講得對, 唔通你班友叻過毛主席 ?
中國太大, 中了統一毒, 大家綁埋一齊, 攬住死, 如果有外力將佢打散成十幾塊, 各有各玩, 大家會有更多選擇, 日本打, 美國打.....都是可以的
那位旅美哲學系教授, 不同意陳雲的城邦, 那就是贊成獨立了, 是港獨派嗎 ? 那應該同鍾祖康有相似觀點了
Black Abortions: Necessary Health Care Policy Or Genocide?
As of 2006, 50 out of 1,000 black women underwent abortions, according to the Census Bureau, versus 14 for white women and 22 for women of other races.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, black women account for only 13 percent of the total U.S. female population, but undergo more than one-third of all abortions.
In Mississippi, usually ranked the poorest state in the nation, blacks represent about 37 percent of the population, but comprise 75 percent of abortion patients.
In Mississippi, usually ranked the poorest state in the nation, blacks represent about 37 percent of the population, but comprise 75 percent of abortion patients.
Teen pregnancy, abortion rates at record low, study says
Birth rates for black and Hispanic teens were more than twice those of their white peers in 2008, the researchers found. The abortion rate among black teens, meanwhile, was four times higher than the rate for their Caucasian counterparts. Abortion rates for Hispanic teens were twice as high as for their white peers.
To put that number of deaths in perspective, consider that since 1973, the number of black Americans who have died from heart disease (2.26 million), cancer (1.64 million), accidents (307,723), violent crimes (306,313) and AIDS (203,649) combined do not equal the number of lives lost to abortions.
The Origins of the African Slave Trade
"For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In most instances, no violence was necessary to obtain those slaves. Contrary to legends and novels and Hollywood movies, the white traders did not need to savagely kill entire tribes in order to exact their tribute in slaves. All they needed to do is bring goods that appealed to the kings of those tribes. The kings would gladly sell their own subjects. "
"in 1830 about 25% of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves: that is a much higher percentage (ten times more) than the number of white slave owners. Thus slave owners were a tiny minority (1.4%) and it was not only whites: it was just about anybody who could, including blacks themselves. "
" The fate of those immigrants was not much better than the fate of the slaves in the South. As a matter of fact, many slaves enjoyed far better living conditions in the southern plantations than European immigrants in the industrial cities"
Below is a listing of the slave ships and the names of the Jewish owners of those ships.
Name of Ship---Jewish Owners
Abigail------------Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks
Crown-------------Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson
Nassau-------------Moses Levy
Four Sisters--------Moses Levy
Anne & Eliza------Justus Bosch and John Abrams
Prudent Betty------Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
Hester----------------Mordecai and David Gomez
Elizabeth ------------Mordecai and David Gomez
Antigua--------------Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell
Betsy -----------------Wm. De Woolf
Polly-------------------James De Woolf
White Horse----------Jan de Sweevts
Expedition-----------John and Jacob Roosevelt
Charlotte-------------Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks
Caracoa---------------Moses and Sam Levy
Source: Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Keep in mind that this is only a partial list of the Jews who made fantastic sums of money off the slave trade. And that's why African-Americans will never ever see any "reparation" money. The Jews who made their fortunes off that heinous trade will never give up one single, shekel. But they will continue to "shakedown" the rest of the world for the alleged crimes committed during WW II. That's why it's called "The HOLOCAU$T INDUSTRY"
回:Greg why doesn't it surprise me that the jews would have made money of the suffering of others?
Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People?
"In 1820 over 75% of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves. Almost 40% of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more.” In the South, which had a much higher ratio of slave ownership than the North, only 5% of white people owned slaves."
"In 2012, massive riots broke out in Israel protesting the presence of African refugees. The crime rates of African refugees were half the rate of the Jewish population in Israel, yet the local population claimed to live in fear of the black immigrants. A member of the Jewish Knesset (Parliament) name Miri Regev said that the Africans are “a cancer in the body.” The Jewish Interior Minister said Israel, “belongs to the white man.” A survey of Jewish Israelis by the Israeli Democracy Institute found that a majority of Israelis agreed with Mr. Regev, and 33% supported anti-African violence against the refugees."
"In a 2012 ynet article, a Jewish journalist claimed that she spent 15 of the most terrifying minutes of her life because lots of African refugees were around. She said that Tel Aviv was turning into the Harlem of the 80′s, and therefore black people should be deported from Israel.
In 2010, the leader of the Sephardic community and founder of the Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, stated that the sole purpose of non-Jews was to serve Jews. He also said in a television interview that “gentiles need to die…goyim have no place in this world.” Many of the top Israeli Rabbis issued a religious edict saying, “a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail.”"
Broken down by race and ethnicity, the study found Asian women have the lowest first divorce rate at 10 divorces per 1,000 women in a first marriage. The first divorce rates of white and Hispanic women were similar at 16.3 and 18.1, respectively. African-American women have substantially higher rates of first divorce compared to all other racial and ethnic groups, at 30.4 divorces per 1,000 women in a first marriage.
Children in single-parent families by race (Percent) – 2011
United States
Non-Hispanic White 25%
Black or African American 67%
American Indian 53%
Asian and Pacific Islander 17%
Hispanic or Latino 42%
Total 35%
法國真有言論自由宣揚Mixed-Race supremacy!!!難怪 Mestizo, Mulatto, Eurasian等mixed race文明會比白人,日本人先進!!下次是不是說mixed race人會飛?
French Television Channel :"Race mixing makes your children taller, stronger and more efficient"
1 I thought race doesn't exist as a valid biological construct?
2 I'll bet the propaganda doesn't mention that your children will be less intelligent if you race mix.
3 When the owners of mainstream media are assaulted and robbed by non-whites, and their wives and daughters raped by the same, that makes their family lives better . . .
Oh, and it makes the world a better place. Now that one is definitely true!
4 有人指出荷蘭人最高
5 A White would have nothing to gain if he was the product of race mixing. Now a half white child from a black has more opportunities in the black race becuase they all secretly wish their skin was lighter. Asians are small people and knowing that if they can catch a White male, their children will be taller,stronger and eyes a little rounder ; more desireable in their home country.
6...I guess the french channel forgot to mention that mutts are ugly, stupid, completely inefficient (why else would affirmative action be needed) and all they are good at is ask for more rights and complain about the unfair society (just like colored immigrants).
7 Which mixed-race countries do they have as models of genetic fitness,height,strength, beauty and efficiency?
Which countries?
8 They forgot to mention that race mixed children stand no chance of ever having organ transplants or bone marrow transplants in the event they would need one.
Two, not all Whites are shorter than negroes. I am 6' and my son is 6'5.
There is an old tale from Rome that mentioned how the Romans imported Germanic's to breed to make bigger soldiers for Rome.
9 If this were true, Indians, Mexicans, Arabs, Brazilians, Turks and Egyptians would be the tallest, would have the most developed nations, and would have the strongest individuals (exception, some Turks).
This is another utterly ridiculous attempt to brainwash the young French ladies.
The tallest are the Dutch.
The strongest normally are the Slavs
And the most efficient are the Germans and Japanese.
All pure racially speaking.
10 Race mixing makes children taller?
Instead of engaging in an argument I implore tall WNists to divulge their height.
I am 6'3 - and my mother didn't have to sleep with an African and my father didn't have to sleep with an Asian to make me this tall.
In fact, where ever I go I see African Americans much shorter than myself - how humiliating for them?
11 Isn't it ironic that this exact belief if promoted by Nazis would be ridiculed?
12 Frankly speaking I'm not that tall guy for a white man ( 175 cm ),but I'm 1000 times proud to be white,blond hair,blue eyes than taller and perhaps mulatto or another strange mixed race man.
It's an amazing assertion to make.
Afghanistan is one the most racially mixed places on this planet, but you won't find anyone preaching about how "great" this has been for them.
How much it has "enriched" them and made them more "efficient".
Efficient at what exactly?
It's been utterly disastrous!
Has the mixed race population of South America led to some remarkably new and greater form of Civilisation?
How well has the mulatto population of Haiti faired?
Isn't it obvious that the exact opposite is true?
You are damn right!
I totally agree with you , chinese are definitely hopeless !
再說,何謂中國?Mid-land? Mid-state? China? ......那是支那吧!是誰告訴你支那等於中國的?中國出處何在?媽的原來又是統治者。
忍唔住要講一句,痴9線,中國問題中國自己解決,worst case: 要打都係內戰去打,有咩理由望中日打仗?日本仔入侵中國,中國會有民主?中國人有無飯食都成問題呀!
擔心日本仔, 不如先睇實北極熊仲好啦
中國割了百幾萬方里的東北土地給俄國佬, D中國人又冇乜反應, 覺得好怪囉
1989年,捷克斯洛伐克發生民主變革——天鵝絨革命, 捷克93年獨立。至於宗教人數1991-2011年有這種變化,我建議大家看捷克人對宗教的態度。我亦推薦大家由共產時期前幾百年左右的歷史開始看起。
Human Development Index
13香港 0.898 Very high human development
22台灣 0.882 Very high human development
27捷克 0.865 Very high human development
101中國0.687 Medium human development
香港 $49,137
台灣 $38,486
捷克 $27,165
中國 $9,146
捷克 25.2(=0.252?)
台灣 0.342
16捷克 Full democracies
37台灣 Flawed democracies
80香港Hybrid regimes
141中國Authoritarian regimes
Global Peace Index
捷克 1795
捷克opt-out system
捷克民族英雄Jan Hus。故事教訓我們要珍惜自由,發表異見是勇氣可嘉。因此,我愛Stormfront.org
揚·胡斯(捷克語:Jan Hus,1369年?捷克胡西內茨 - 1415年7月6日德國康斯坦茨),捷克宗教思想家、哲學家、改革家,曾任布拉格查理大學校長。胡斯以獻身宗教改革和捷克民族主義而殉道,留名於世,他的追隨者被稱為胡斯信徒。羅馬天主教視其為異端,於1411年革除其教籍。1414年,康斯坦茨宗教會議判罰胡斯有罪,次年處火刑。胡斯之死直接導致了胡斯戰爭的爆發。
看來捷克比香港和中國更世俗,亦沒有出現道德淪亡問題,看來這是人種差異。白人無神論者vs中國無神論者,白人基督徒vs黑人,mixed race基督徒…
我衷心希望捷克能夠維持白人為主,全體人民又以uniracial為主,而不是mixed race,捷克無需巴西化,拉丁美洲化,混血化。
Do you have friends of a different race/culture/religion?
回:I have a boyfriend from another culture... he's Norwegian and I'm Czech. Infact, he's also from another religion, he's Pagan and I'm just an Atheist who practices Pagan traditions.
I have acquaintances that are black, mestizo, and even one Maori. I'm nice to people, I'm not going to be an ass to someone just because they're of another race. I don't want to be around them, I don't want them in my country, but I'm not going to treat them like trash, it's called human decency.
Global Peace Index中的香港台灣排23,27是不是搞錯了?有中共就算排100名以後,甚至最尾都不誇張。
The legal sources that describe the relationship between Church and State are mainly Constitutional law, international agreements, the internal state law and Church-State agreements. Articles 15 and 16 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Liberties guarantee religious freedom. This includes the right to attend religious services and the freedom of religious communities to an own administration.
In the Czech Republic 19 religious communities are registered as Churches. These registered religious communities enjoy “special rights”. They can found schools, teach religion in schools, gain State subsidies and have the right to a pastoral care in prisons and the army. There exists the possibility to limit the rights of members of religious communities by internal rules. But in general the members have the same rights as the other citizens.
The constitution provides for religious freedom, and the government reportedly respects this right in practice. Religious affairs are handled by the Department of Churches at the Ministry of Culture. There is no requirement to register; however, officially registered groups are subsidized by the State. The Unification Church was denied registration in 1999 when it was determined that it had obtained proof of membership by fraud. To register a church must have a minimum of 10,000 adult members permanently residing in the country; only 500 are necessary for churches which the World Council of Churches has already recognized.
hdi 35 0.834
Gdp $24,284
堅尼系數 25.7
新聞自由指數 25
Global Peace Index 26
工時 1793 原來捷克2011年的工時為1 774,我看錯了2010的1 795
79.4% Non-religious (agnostic / atheist)
10.3% Roman Catholic
0.8% Protestant
9.4% other religions
Roman Catholic 73%,
Protestant 10.8%,
other or unspecified 3.2%, (including 50,363 Orthodox Christians), theism, agnostic or non-religious 13% (2001 census within Slovakia, extrapolated to outside Slovaks)
在書局,我同時想起魯迅與捷克民族英雄Jan Hus。我尊敬Jan Hus,而魯迅的書悶,浪費時間,看來以後都不會看。魯迅偉大之處是救不了中國人都繼續寫書,但不能與Jan Hus相比。
捷克人: 8成不可知論者無神論者
捷克: 重要 20.5% 不重要 74.5%
斯洛伐克: 重要 46.5% 不重要 51.5%
Human Development Index
27 捷克 0.865 Very high human development
35 斯洛伐克 0.834 Very high human development
捷克 $27,165
斯洛伐克 $ 24,284
捷克 25.2
斯洛伐克 25.7
16捷克 Full democracies
38斯洛伐克 Flawed democracies
14 捷克
25 斯洛伐克
Global Peace Index
13 捷克
26 斯洛伐克
捷克 1774
斯洛伐克 1793
捷克 opt-out system
斯洛伐克 opt-out system
LGBT rights
Recognition of relationships: Registered partnerships since 2006, no same-sex marriage
Adoption: Single homosexual persons only
2012年有51%公眾支持same-sex marriages
Recognition of relationships: No
Adoption: No
台灣hdi跟芬蘭同分。台灣hdi來自2011中華民國人類發展指數 (HDI)
都是Jan Hus那句較好。魯迅甚麼吃人,吃教,人肉筵宴看不懂。Jan Hus說得一刀見血夠直接。追求truth深深刻印在捷克人的靈魂。捷克人太清楚自由人權民主法治的重要性,就算不跟隨耶穌,都要聽從Jan Hus這句話。短短20年變成文明國家。我認為捷克好過世界上9成國家。
Truth prevails
"Truth prevails" (Czech: Pravda vítězí, Slovak: Pravda zvíťazí) is a motto, inscribed on the banner of the President of the Czech Republic, which is one of the national symbols according to the Czech Constitution.[1] The phrase also appears along the base of the Jan Hus Memorial in Prague. The motto is believed to be derived from Jan Hus' phrase "Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth and defend the truth until death".[2] "Truth prevails" was adopted as motto by the first President of Czechoslovakia Tomáš Masaryk in 1918 and then echoed in Václav Havel's notion of "life in truth" and in his 1989 campaign slogan "Love and truth conquer lies and hatred".[2]
The concept of truth has a long tradition in Czech political thought. Jan Hus and John Amos Comenius connected the truth with theological aspects, while in Masaryk's ethical concepts truth was seen as the opposite of lie.[3] Hus' credo traditionally had been seen as testifying the moral and spiritual, rather than physical and military strength.[4] The Charter 77 movement had the motto "Truth prevails for those who live in truth".[5]
International organ donor rates (每一百萬人)
羅馬尼亞 1.0
丹麥 11.5
斯洛伐克 12.1
挪威 16.2
捷克 18.8
西班牙 33.8
器官捐贈presumed consent國家
Why Presumed Consent is Better
.Presumed Consent enhances the right of an individual to decide what will happen after they die.
.Presumed Consent works well in other countries where it has been instituted – Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Greece, and Singapore – where the opt-out rate has been around 2%.
. Tracking the 2% who don’t wish to be Donors would be easier than tracking the 98% who do wish to be Donors or don’t care.
.Presumed Consent preserves the American spirit of unselfishness and altruism.
. Presumed Consent would remove the burden of making a decision about Organ Donation from families already dealing with the traumatic death of a loved one.
. Presumed Consent could be implemented quickly, easily, and relatively inexpensively by working within the framework of the existing Organ Donation system.
.Presumed Consent could have a dramatic impact on the number of organs available for transplant, significantly reducing the Waiting List and the number of deaths on the waiting list, as well as relieving the pain and suffering of thousands.
1月1日︰捷克共和國獨立紀念日 (Den obnovy samostatného českého státu)
*4月︰復活節 (Velikonoční pondělí)
5月1日︰勞動節 (Svátek práce)
5月8日︰解放紀念日 (Den vítězství)
7月5日︰宗教紀念日 (Den slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje)
7月6日︰胡斯紀念日 (Den upálení mistra Jana Husa)
9月28日︰聖溫塞拉斯紀念日 (Den české státnosti)
10月28日︰獨立紀念日 (Den vzniku samostatného československého státu)
11月17日︰民主紀念日 (Den boje za svobodu a demokracii)
12月24-25日︰聖誕節 (svátek vánoční)
Press Freedom Index 2013
看來器官捐贈採用opt-out system的大多數都是白人國家,除了亞洲國家新加坡,究竟台灣,韓國,日本在搞甚麼???
I, for one, wish this happened, man. But, first, the Japs would not simply resort to military actions again these days. Second, China's military powers aren't that weak nowadays. Third, don't forget the American bit in the game. However, when the moronic majorities over mainland and even HK still being passive and waiting for a good king, don't think anything can change the system until and unless a revolution is started, as Yukman has said in his net radio programme last week.
Youtube:Black man says: Bring back Apartheid
Liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane of the BBC is told from the horses mouth (a Black South African) that Blacks were better off under Apartheid and that their lives would only get better if the Apartheid government came back to power.
Fergal: Do you ever think your life is going to get better Josef?
Josef: Maybe my life would change if the Nationalist Party came back, not the ANC.
Fergal: I don't believe you. Come on. That was a White government that put you down, that treated you terribly, you cant really believe that?
Josef: But in terms of work they didn't oppress us. We didnt struggle for work then.
It appears that even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that he supported the wrong people in South Africa, liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane still refuses to accept that he was wrong and then proceeds to tell a Black South African, living in South Africa that he, Irishman Fergal Keane who lives in Ireland knows better.
超過9成白人,以單一人種,非mixed race為主。很美妙~~~~
重要 16% 不重要 78%
Human Development Index
34 0.835 Very high human development
34 Flawed democracies
Global Peace Index
1 924
opt-out system
LGBT rights
Recognition of relationships: No recognition of same-sex couples
Adoption: No
美幼園生公然口交 家長控校方失職
相信大家都聽過無神論摧毀道德沒有道德等類似mixed race混血兒聰明等廢話。
超過8成白人,以單一人種,非mixed race為主。外國移民大部分是白人,非mixed race,很美妙~~~~~~~~
重要 47% 不重要 52.5%
Human Development Index
21 0.884 Very high human development
30 Flawed democracies
Global Peace Index
1 662
opt-out system
LGBT rights
Recognition of relationships: Registered partnerships since 2006,
no same-sex marriage
Adoption: planned
爺爺嫌她貧血 父死決定從母姓
杭廷頓在同是1924年出版的第3版 《文明與氣候》( Civilization and Climate )裡說,就文明發展方面:
『信奉新教( Protestant Christianity ) 的地方要不是先進就是非常先進.....信奉羅馬天主教的地方則從極先進到極落後俱有;而希臘基督教則發展高低不等;同樣,信奉佛教的地方其發展可高至日本,低至西藏;回教國家的發展則從來不達中度之上,甚而極低。』
翻查之下,發現一些落後新教國家,都是非白人國家:Tuvalu,Antigua and Barbuda,Saint Kitts and Nevis,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,Tonga,Namibia等國。
可以說富強基督教國家多是白人國家,落後的基督教國家以非白人的mixed race,黑人國家為主。
人種:mixed race混血兒,黑人,亞洲人
有神論,無神論國家都可以是先進或落後。先進國家都是單一人種,亦有落後國家以單一人種為主。落後國家以mixed race混血兒,黑人為主,即是說單一人種是文明國家的必要條件,但不是足夠條件。
...首先,從多年來包括今年的排名,在表現出眾的國家當中顯然已可歸納出若干規律。就以二零零六年的排名而言(其他年份的排名也差異不大),在首二十名的國家中,國家規模大小不一,有小如冰島或盧森堡,也有大如美國、加拿大、法國;氣候方面,按照我過去申述的理論,當然是集中於偏寒地區,但也有澳洲、新西蘭、西班牙或意大利等少數幾個較炎熱的國家。左算右計之後,當中最值得注意的規律包括:在首二十名的國家中,有二十個奉行自由民主政制,有十九個是基督教國家(當中十個是新教Protestant,九個是天主教) ,並注意當中沒有一國信奉無神論。更值得注意的是,挪威、瑞典、冰島、芬蘭和丹麥五個均推行「北歐模式」的北歐國家,一直嘎嘎獨造,穩踞最前列。這一次挪威、冰島、瑞典、芬蘭和丹麥的排名就依次為一、二、五、十一及十五。北歐國家長期表現突出,已引起越來越多人的注意。
先不說2006年的hdi是不是只有20個國家屬於Very high human development。今時不同往日,香港在2011年竟排13!!信奉無神論的國家至少有三個:捷克,愛沙尼亞,斯洛文尼亞,2011年日本有67%Non-religious。那麼愛叫人注意,那請注意富強基督教國家多是白人國家,落後的基督教國家以非白人的mixed race,黑人國家為主。還有一點要注意,特別是race-mixing支持者,mixed race supremacist,黑人愛好者,沒有一個mixed race和黑人國家很文明富裕,要不然不夠北歐,捷克等文明富裕,就是貧窮落後,我看是後者居多。
Mixed-Race People Are the Most Attractive and Successful, study finds
標題內容:...Brits believe mixed-race people are the 'most attractive and successful'...
1If race is a social construct and nothing more than melanin, then why would cross-breeding people produce "more genetically fit" people? It sounds like they want it both ways. They want to say that race is a social construct on the one hand, it doesn't exist at all, and all of the difference in achievement for thousands of years has come about as the result of environment combined with pure chance. But then on the other hand, they want to say mixed-race people are the new master race, so suddenly race does exist. That's completely contradictory.
More to the point, if mixed-race people are the most attractive and successful, then how come the mixed-race countries of the world aren't the most successful countries? How come people aren't flocking to the Dominican Republic or Puerto-Rico? The Dominican Republic is a mixed-race country, a combination of African and European. The only ones flocking to the Dominican Republic are the Haitians who are primarily African.
How come all of the mixed-race people in Mexico are crossing the border to the north? Why aren't all of the White people in the United States flocking to Mexico to bask in awe of their glorious mixed-race society?
How come the moment a mixed-race celebrity like Tiger Woods makes it big, he goes to Sweden or Germany and finds the Whitest blondest woman he can find? Why doesn't he want a superior mixed-race woman? How come out of all the sleazy affairs he had, not one sleazy affair he had was with a brown-skinned mixed-race woman?
Questions questions...
Mixed-Race People Are the Most Attractive and Successful, study finds.
Successful ? Successful at what ?
hip-hop, rap, pop-culture, sports.
or is it,
Science, Philosphy, Arts (classical music, painting etc.).
Like I said...Trash.
3Another news link up before I looked at this posting was titled "What's Wrong With Brazil? basically why the most race mixed country in the world isn't successful. Ahh duh.....
經濟問題都是White Supremacy的錯,總之就是白人的錯,就好像道德問題都是無神論的錯。
We Can’t Fix Our Economy Without Confronting White Supremacy
1 All I got from this was that all Americans are white and supremacists, and they act like they care about people. The supremacy of whites has only grown because Obama is half black and became president. Whites have had an increase of income because they worked for it, and the minorities are still struggling because they didn't. In the end, everything is the white man's fault.
2 Insane, typically negroid proposal and conclusion by the author. America is in dire straights because it wasn't 'racist' enough and didn't keep the third world out Ah well, more Haitians and Kenyans to 'lead' us and 'guide' us to first world prosperity...
Can't fix stupid:
^^author (tell me this isn't the face of STUPID?)
3 We Can’t Fix Our Economy Without Confronting Non-White Supremacy.
4 So now it's the fault of "white supremacists" that the economy is bad? The media just hit a new line of stupid. Honestly if "white supremacists" had as much power as the media claims them to have, we would not be living in such a multicultural cesspool hell.
5 Why is it that every standardized test in america whether ACT or SAT or LSAT or GMAT or MCAT always gives the same result? Whites and asians at the top and then hispos and then blacks. The fact that asians do so well shows the tests are not biased towards whites.
Another question - Why is all of black africa still in the stone age?. It's not discrimination since blacks control those countries now.
6 She should read more. Jewish supremacists control
America's economy, not Whites. Plus, most White
Nationalists are not supremacists, yet most Jews
support Jewish supremacism or try to deny it exists.
She needs to learn that Jews are not Whites. They're
a totally different race.
Black Slaves Built America! The Great Lie
主題內容:Black Slaves Built America!" The Great Lie This was posted on Ideology and Philosophy. Why do blacks and white liberals always insist that blacks and slavery built this country when the evidence clearly reveals that white people were the dominant group and had the skills and resources to build America. Canada had no slave population and it is wealthy. The same with Australia and New Zealand. South Africa and Cuba are other examples as well. Countries with small to no white populations are poor such as Jamaica, Haiti, Suriname, Guyana, and Africa.
Some blacks who are supremacists like to say they are superior to Africans and Black Carribeans by using the argument that blacks built this country. Some make the argument by sports:Black Americans are the best Athletes! - Topix. It is utter silliness reading through that entire forum.
1 Does that mean that mules built america? Or the Dog? Or the Bees? All of them worked for free and improved the profits of American and helped it expand.
The horrible, unpleasant, truth, is Negros were property . . .equipment like a saddle or a plow.
2 Picking cotton, stupid. Did you ever bother to look up the actual stats on Black slaves? OVER 98% of the White population did not own any slaves. Are you going to claim that the Blacks went home-to-home doing things for all the White people who DIDN'T own slaves?
Virtually all of this was built by Whites and Whites alone. Thanks for playing.
Anti-racism is a code word for Latino supremacy.
主題內容:Since anti-racists want to mix the world into a brown race of Mexican looking people, they are really just a bunch of genocidal Latino Nazis.
Why do these Latino supremacists hate non-mixed people so much?
1 They are doing this to build their beautiful Utopia where there is no racial differences and no racial strife.
They of course insist that there will be hostility's between White people in an all White nation while avoiding the fact that even without racial diversity in their dream world there will still be hostility's between people.
Oh what a marvelous future our descendants will have if the enlightened tolerance people get their way.
No racial diversity, just a drab gray race with no identifying features, no culture, no heritage or future.
Just a depressed life form yearning for death.
Toiling day in and day out in absolute obedience for untouchable murderers sitting on golden thrones grinning sadistically at the groveling peasants at their feet.
2 Good point.
There's not enough Native Americans in the world to mix up though.
3樓主: bump
You anti-racists do realize the "Mexican look" is the result of several races mixing together, right?
It's also the reason why mixed people from Central Asia and North Africa are often labeled as "Mexican" by average Americans. It is the racially ambiguous look.
Now answer this question for me.
Why do you want to replace the unique looking races of the world with racially ambiguous pan-humans?
Erasing all borders leads to the extinction of pure races and the domination of the pan-human "Mexican looking" race.
Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Miscegenation = Latino Nazi Party
4 They think mixed race people are the most superior. Ah~ Yes, mixed race countries like Mexico and Brazil are the most successful countries in the whole world. It must be very great for Germany, Italy, Poland, Japan, Norway and other non mixed race countries to turn into mixed race countries, since non mixed race people are more inferior than superior mixed race people.
Non mixed race non white(me): I'm extremely tired of mixed race supremacy crap.
I am non mixed race non white. I am against race mixing.
Mixed race person should date or marry another mixed race person.
I'm extremely tired of mixed race supremacy crap.
"Mixed race people are more successful and attractive. Mixed race people are healthier. ..."
There are attractive people in every race. What's so special about mixed race people???
Successful??? What are some successful mixed race countries? I cannot find one.
Mixed race children have almost no chance of finding bone marrow or organ donors.
May some people stop spreading mixed race supremacy crap.
It's time to give some arguments against race mixing.
1Good for you, I wish more people saw how stupid race-mixing is.
What sickens me is when they teach kids that black is too black and white is too white so being mixed is "beautiful". Bull****.
If this continues everyone in the world will be one color.
Race mixing just creates an abomination.
America is NOT for white people.
Its hilarious how you white nationalists keep telling the African-Americans and the Mexicans and other groups to leave America and "go back where they came from". Well the fact is, America does not belong to you. I have seen some laughable "evidence" that the whites where the first to enter America. Well guess what? We see no trace of white people in America historically until a few hundred years ago when the Conquistadors invaded. The major civilizations where the Native Americans. They developed as a civilization in north America and even underwent natural selection to become a unique population.
The fact is, if you want non-whites to leave America then practice what you preach go back to where you came from, that is Europe. Realistically it looks like it is too late for the Native Americans to reform as a civilization. But again, if Europeans want to stay in the US then they will have to deal with non-whites. Simply because north America is not you're land.
So the conclusion is, if you want to form a pure white country. Go back to Europe! White people actually have a right to keep Europe to themselves.
Native North Americans were tribal and often Nomadic, they never developed a Civilization to begin with and never will.
The United States of America is a nation founded by Whites, built by Whites for Whites (the 1790 Naturalization act proves that). It is laughable that you think non-Whites who were along for the ride have any claim to a White nation. There is possible evidence that Whites were in the Americas first (I have no links on hand unfortunately, hopefully another member who reads this has some) but in any case it doesn't matter. Whites founded the United States and Canada not non-Whites thus they are White nations, simply being the first to arrive on a patch of land doesn't mean it is yours forever. The Natives were conquered and subjugated, case closed. That is the story of many modern countries yet only White nations are called on to give the land back to the natives who were beaten. Are the Negroes that infest the Caribbean to be sent back to Africa as well?
Let's assume you believe Europeans have a right to Europe, would you support Europeans forcibly deporting all the non-Whites that live there and Europeans taking back Constantinople/Istanbul and it's surrounding territories and possibly much of modern Turkey? If not then you're a hypocrite.
2 Okay deal we go back to Europe...
Two conditions
1. All non whites in Europe have to go back to wherever they came from; and
2. We get to take all the goodies we brought along back to Europe with us... you know like roads, houses, cars, education, running water, rational medicines, farming, power generators, light bulbs... all that stuff...
When can we leave?
3 A bunch of savage tribes living hand to mouth and butchering each other is not a civilization. The term that comes to mind is "wildlife". That's pretty much it. The Mestizo invaders coming from the south aren't coming for the land, they want what we have built, which is something they themselves can only dream and fantasize about building.
The fact is, this is OUR living space, and we have every right and obligation to defend it. If we presently have more space than we need, we owe it to our descendants to leave it to them. Anything less is to betray all who came before us and all who will come after.
I've always wanted to hear one of our politicians put it that way. There is no reason not to, as it is simply the truth.
4 what is this? a joke? north Natives "civilization" ...
Only advanced civilization In America continent IS WHITE CIVILIZATION , only whites ...
Ok maybe native indians ( only a few of them anyway ) can stay BUT all of others NON-whites must go FROM AMERICA AND FROM EUROPE TOO
5 This entire thread fails as an opposing view in that ALL White nations are being targeted. From Ireland to Iceland, from Norway to France, from Belgium to Sweden, White nations are all gradually suffocating under the tsunami that is non-White immigration. I've seen it with my own eyes; i've travelled throughout Europe, and everywhere it's the same program, albeit at different stages.
If America, a nation founded and built from the ground up by Whites, is 'not for Whites', where exactly can they move to in order to escape this crap? I believe that it is quite difficult for European-Americans to move to Europe anyway, and vice versa.
Go back to Retardleft.
Do people really believe that Blacks are dumber than other races?
Are mixed race people smarter?
那要看看mixed race混血兒有多聰明才判斷mixed race混血兒是不是較聰明。IQ不是一切的話就可以看看mixed race國家的表現如何。
Black Slaves Built America! The Great Lie
問:I'd like to know where you got that statistic from.
答:The 1860 census, available freely on the internet, plus the single datum of the average number of slaves owned by slave owners at the peak of slavery. I like how you libtards always try to deny the obvious facts when they contradict your anti-White mythology.
問:Also are you trying to say that the slave work done didn't contribute to the prosperity of America in any way at all?
答:They contributed in utterly trivial ways. I'm sure that the slave owners (even the BLACK slave owners) made a pretty penny from it, but the secret of White civilization has always been and will always be White intellectual innovation. "Native Americans" had cotton and they had slaves long before we got here. Why weren't they rich if your theory holds true? As any rational person can see, your view of the source of American prosperity is irrational.
The 1860 Census and Slavery in the United States
Of the 27 million whites counted in the 1860 census, 8 million lived in the slave owning states of the South. Of these, 385,000 owned slaves. Statistically, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves. When factored by the entire population, 1.4% of all United States whites were slave owners. The Gone With the Wind notion that most Southerners owned large numbers of slaves and lived in huge plantations is a myth.
Free Blacks That Owned Slaves in the Pre-Civil War South
According to Duke University’s Emeritus Professor, John Hope Franklin, in New Orleans over 3000 free blacks owned slaves themselves (or 28% of the black population). In Louisiana, 6 blacks owned 65 or more slaves while in Charleston, SC, 125 blacks owned slaves, 6 owning ten or more. In North Carolina there were 69 black slave owners.
捷克的民主轉型起始於1989 年的絲絨革命,只比台灣於1987 年的解除戒嚴時間晚二
年,透過自由之家的分數比較,可以發現捷克經過1968 年布拉格之春運動的鎮壓之後,其
家分數已到達舊民主國家的水平,民主發展進步相當快速。反觀台灣,1987 年解嚴之際,
What make Czech Republic became a atheistic country?
The dislike toward organized religion can be traced to the early foundation of the medieval state, where the nobility had successfully undermined the power of the church and enforced a view in the eyes of the population as a greedy institution. Bohemia and Moravia was torn up by religious warfare through the Hussite War in 1419-1435, which had left the country in ruin and society was collectively attacked by crusades. The 30Year war and forceful catholization confirmed the view that the church is evil and cares only about money. While Poland or Serbia seen a church as the protector of its heritage, language, and culture, Czech identified any church as a symbol of oppression, totalitarianism, germanization, and source of impoverishment of many. Czech people would not give money to church as they collectively see that it can be better used (by them) or by the government. Secularization of Czech society was completed in WWI, where they see Catholic church as the main power of Austria. Communism only utilize the feel, and institutionalized otherwise widespread dislike of any religious community in the society. Czechs have thorough dislike toward organized religion and detest what organized church represents. Any case, Czechs are very spiritual, many believe in magics and God without acknowledge it openly. One thing you will hear from Czechs "I do not believe in God, but I am afraid when I die, he will punish me in hell for that".
Czech National Revival
Following the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, Czech lands suffered from Germanisation politics of the Habsburg Emperors.
The oppression was connected also with the religion – up to 95% inhabitants of Bohemia were Protestants (See Hussite) when Habsburgs took power. Although they formerly promised freedom of religion, they started rampant anti-reformation and re-catholization efforts which made the most of Czech elites flee the country. This violent re-catholization is also one of the reasons behind today's Czech atheism.
The Czech language was more or less eradicated from state administration, literature, schools, Charles University and among the upper classes. Books written in Czech were burned and any publication in Czech was considered to be heresy by the Jesuits. The Czech language was reduced to a means of communication between peasants, who were often illiterate. Therefore, the Revival looked for inspiration among ordinary Czechs in the countryside.
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重要 74.5% 不重要 19.5%
Human Development Index
39 0.813 Very high human development
45 Flawed democracies
Global Peace Index
1 937
opt-out system
LGBT rights
Recognition of relationships: No recognition of same-sex relationships
Adoption: No joint adoption by same-sex couples
3/4韓國血統的台灣人:曾經 - 韓國混血兒的心境
這個徽章是參加今年京都華僑協會在京都舉辦的台灣國慶晚會中得到,我一直很喜歡,之前在高島屋 京都店工作時,我把它貼在公司的置物櫃上,希望可以讓更多人看到台灣國旗長什麼樣子。
Guns, Germs, and Steel
1 I like this quote:
modern "Stone Age" peoples are on the average probably more intelligent, not less intelligent, than industrialized peoples.(我笑了,各國要努力將國家弄到「石器時代」人們國家的水平,那些人們很有智慧,那些國家是最文明的,哈哈!)
2 This article goes more towards pointing out that Diamond is anti-white than the actual point of the book. The key argument is right at the beginning-
"The problem is, I am not aware of any advocates who try to make the argument that because Western culture is more advanced, they are therefore the smartest. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Psychometricians have shown that East Asians are more intelligent than Caucasians, and that they do not lead us technologically (outside Japan) because of environmental or political/cultural differences.
So Diamond has written a book to disprove a theory that does not exist. He is attacking a straw man."
I, however, am aware of just such people. Many SF posts discuss the historical superiority of white science and philosophy and, if not attributing it to white itnelligence, then at least to white creativity. Heck, I myself considered this a pretty convincing argument on behalf of White Nationalists. This article, however, does nto adress it.
This book by Jared Diamond is a pretty well respected historical argument against European cultural/technological supremacy.
回The popularity of Jared Diamond's book is not itself evidence of the validity of his thesis.
For those of you who have read the book, what do you think, and how would you refute Mr. Diamond's main claim that societies are based on geographical opportunity?
回I have read Diamond's book myself. I have a copy of it, in fact, on my bookshelf. I think he does a pretty piss poor job at explaining the backwardness of the aborigines, to name just one example. He does not explain why Africa continues to remain so backwards after the introduction of technology and food crops from abroad. He barely even touches on Europe and he pretty much ignores discussion of the biological reality of racial differences in intelligence entirely.
4His entire book is fallacious, he says whites are succesful due to our environment, even though we played a major part in creating the environment that made us succesful. He claims that our success is entirely due to our environment and that Europe has always consisted of pristine countryside dotted with domesticated sheep and cows. He also claims that when whites enterred other lands they made them look like europe as a form of cultural assimiliation. He honestly believes that a group of extremely poor pioneers with an average life expectancy of 30 would labour for the majority of their lives in order to make a plot of land look like merry old england.
Anyone read Guns, Germs, and Steel
1I thought it was pure BS. For starters, his argument that jungle people are smarter because they have to think quickely to avoid being murdered is a eugenics argument but he rejects the idea that cold climates selects people who plan ahead which more than offsets this. He also ignors just about every scientific study of comparative intelligence ever done when he says that.
His idea that resources determines progress only takes those resources which are convenient into account. The North American Indians planted domestic crops, raised domestic dogs, and lived in a land of abundance. They did not produce a competetive civilization.
He also makes a lame excuse for why we surpassed the Chinese when they started with more resources.
His argument that people with farm animals get more exposure to germs and can thus act unwittingly as carriers of germ warfare as with indians falling ill ignores the fact that Europe also contracted diseases like syphillis from the New World.
Diamond essentially argues that environment determines the economy which deterministically favours some peoples over others and makes progress happen in a purely predictable way. This is thinly vieled marxism.
I read the book over a year ago, so I can't recall all of the flaws I found in it at the time.
2I didn't find a thread about it by searching. I'll try again.
Diamond had his own PBS series about the book. Nothing fits the script like a theory which states our ancestors only prospered because they happened to be born in Europe where they were ideally situated to steal the ides of others and capitilize on them.
Guns, Germs, and Steel
1 The premises for that book are laughable at best. One only has to look at how well Whites domesticated parts of Africa, which later immediately deteriorated when Africans were handed back control. In the Americas, the Inca, Aztec and Maya empires prospered at the exact same latitudes and in roughly the same "harsh" climates the Africans acheived nothing. Does he also say that the more or less IRREFUTABLE IQ differences between the races (including East Asians' IQ superiority over Whites) is of NO IMPORTANCE WHATSOEVER?
Africa is a joke.
Jews suck.
2 anti's love it... they use it as proof saying that luck created European dominance.
Great people shape their environment... they seek out trade routes, animals, new lands, etc. That is why GSS is crap.
Then i say... wait, if environment affected people, why are whites and Arabs in Africa a lot more successful than blacks?
And, if everybody came from mesopotamia , then everybody had equal opportunity to succeed or fail...
3 Good points in that post.
He says that elephants can't be tamed? not true, look at thailand where they use them for work i.e logging and transport , same with india, or any circus in the world where they use african elephants. Also the masaai managed to domesticate an animal (cow) but they still live in mud huts. It's pretty well proven now that brain size is related to how cold the climate was in which you evolved although this doesn't explain high intelligence alleles and creative genes that (perhaps randomly) came about in europe.
I think I might get this book from the library now for the reason bryonio stated.
Documentary - Guns,germs and steel
Sorry,don't remember the channel,but this was on last week.Anyone else watch it?
The documentary maker makes the argument that many people's achievements can be put down to geographical location.Now,I had kind of thought that to an extent - re droughts in certain countries - but look at how Europeans who went to Australia and South Africa were able to deal with those problems.
As you know,Arabs did do a lot back then and he makes the point at the start about there being a fertile basin (think it was called) and how it spread throughout Asia. Of course,I knew the people this was really going to be about was Europeans and how they only got where they did due to their location.He even mentioned that they "used their germs" to achieve their goals. Does that mean then that Africans are doing the same with AIDS,then,bringing it here to wipe us out,if he is using that argument about Europeans back then.
He contradicts himself,because he mentioned how when Europeans moved further up to one place in Africa,they started to die off due to malaria,whilst other Africans survived well.He pointed out that Africans had natural immunity to Africa and that when Europeans conquered,they basically made blacks live in built up areas,where they were more to malaria and lost their natural immunity....but surely if they had inbuilt immunity as he pointed out,they wouldn't lose this,due to simply living in cities.He pointed out when he went to some hospital - where he breaks down and cries over some black kid in a cot - how Malaria is killing off blacks.
Now,it is nonsense to blame this on whites,as he pointed out at the same time that Asians have had the same problem with malaria when they lived in built up areas - as they do in Singapore and Hong Kong - and they have managed to deal with it,so why can't blacks?
In effect,this programme was just another case of white bashing and blaming whitey for negro problems....so we aren't just to blame for Aids now,but also for malaria.
For a change,this lefty professor wasn't British,but American.
GG&S contradicts itself so many times it's funny. First he says crops and suitable domesticated livestock made Europeans dominate others, then later he reveals that in central Africa the native tribes have cattle AND crops. So by his formula they should be as successful as Europeans. But he blames their failure on influenza.
Well, if disease can actually suppress development of a culture, Europeans would be in big trouble. We've had our share of horrible plagues through the centuries and it didn't stop us from continual development.
His theories are a worthless load of rubbish.
捷克宗教改革家及民族英雄Jan Hus對捷克語的貢獻
The Written Czech Language: From Old Church Slavonic to Latin
Until about the 11th century, the written Czech language utilized the Old Church Slavonic language, the first Slavic literary language. Old Church Slavonic was developed by the saints Cyril and Methodius, missionaries who were wanted to bring their work to areas of Eastern Europe, including present-day Slovakia and the eastern regions of the current Czech Republic.
In the 11th century, the written Czech language faced a landmark event, as the Latin language came to replace the use of Old Church Slavonic for both religious and literary purposes.文化侵略
Development from a “Peasant Tongue” to a Respected Literary Language
Until about the 14th century, the Czech language was largely suppressed, as it was seen as a peasant tongue unworthy of any type of formal official or literary use. This changed when religious reformer Jan Hus (John Huss) undertook the project of developing a uniform Czech language spelling, giving the language a more respectable standardized characteristic.
Throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, Hus’s work was consolidated and further developed by a Protestant sect known as the Unity of Brethren, or the Moravian Brethren. Thanks to the literary Czech language works produced by the Moravian Brethren, the newly standardized Czech language was fully stabilized and established as a true literary language.
之後,Habsburg想將捷克語消滅,有群人想復興捷克語,較出名的人為Josef Dobrovský和Josef Jungmann。
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我相信Habsburgs的re-catholization包括迫捷克人改信天主教。現在天主教徒(10.3%)遠多過 Hussite(0.4%)。現在捷克有Czechoslovak Hussite Church,最早成立於1890年,分佈在捷克,然後是斯洛伐克,大約有266個牧師,近一半,130個是女性。
願Jan Hus精神永遠長存
胡斯雕像(Pomník mistra Jana Husa)位於捷克首都布拉格舊城廣場的一端,雕像描繪波希米亞的反教廷威權學者揚·胡斯、勝利的胡斯派勇士和新教徒,他們被迫流亡200年,而一位年輕的母親象徵國家的再生。這雕像揭幕於1915年,以紀念殉道500周年。雕像的設計者是Ladislav Šaloun,完全由捐款建成。
布拉格的舊城區,在古教堂的尖塔鱗次櫛比所圍繞的廣場中央,屹立著宗教革命家胡斯(Jan Hus)雕像的紀念碑。胡斯因反對教會於一四一五年被燒死,觸發一場戰爭,他的死象徵了捷克過去一直受強權鎮壓的悲哀(註:最後還是被神聖羅馬帝國所鎮壓),六八年的「布拉格之春」,又以悲劇收場,到八九年的東歐民主運動才令捷克擺脫苦海。
廣場中心的胡斯紀念碑(Pomnik Jana Husa),是紀念胡斯逝世五百周年所而設立。胡斯可說是捷克人民族意識的啟蒙者。在紀念碑四周牆壁上有許多出自大師級的裝飾藝術(Art Deco),呈現出布拉格經歷的不同年代,值得駐足環繞四周觀賞。
回顧歷史,當年查理四世決意把布拉格變成歐洲最華麗的城市,而「中歐大學」(University of Central Europe) 也於此時建成,其校長正是出生於波希米亞貧窮農家的胡斯,一位著名的改革派傳教士。由於胡斯不值當時天主教庭腐敗黑暗,只向政治權貴勾結,與民間疾苦脫節,於是提出異見,要求改革,並引來大批追隨者。
胡斯對教會的主要批評,是指教會以出售贖罪券作為斂財手段,此舉令教庭地位動搖,更不見容於當時的權貴,視他為異端。國王溫塞拉斯四世(Wenceslas IV) 夾於糾紛中間,一四一二年欲請胡斯離開布拉格,但胡斯不顧危險,決意不走,留於布拉格為自己的主張辯護。結果國王只好把他拘捕,於一四一五年以異端邪說罪,在其四十歲的壯年把他活活燒死。如今雕像的所在地正是當年燒死他的原址。
胡斯死後,被尊為殉道英雄,更激發Hussites 戰役。Hussites (指胡斯的追隨者 )大多是農民,只擁有簡單的農具作為兵器,與全副武裝的王朝正規軍隊對壘。戰役初期,雖然奪得不少勝果,但後來 Hussites 分裂成兩派,減弱了實力, 終於戰敗。到十六世紀時,捷克淪為被鄰近的奧地利王朝統治。
>>>>而「中歐大學」(University of Central Europe) 也於此時建成,其校長正是出生於波希米亞貧窮農家的胡斯
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'Why is Miss South Africa white?'
標題內容:The ignorance of some people are staggering:
A white girl representing South Africa was the most jarring thing for some beauty pageant watchers to witness this week.
When the blue-eyed former Miss SA Melinda Bam took to the Miss Universe stage at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on Wednesday night, she triggered a social media buzz.
Her appearance sparked an avalanche of tweets, mostly from American viewers during the pageant, which was streamed live online at 03:00 local time.
@AlondraTeresa remarked: "When I saw Miss South Africa, I thought: 'If she's from Africa why is she white?' #meangirlsreference."
@omgitzvanessa wrote: "(When) Miss South Africa came on my mom was like: 'Why is she white?'"
@Maaaaryx3 also wondered: "I cant believe Miss South Africa is a white girl."
1.If she was born in South Africa then she is a "South African" right?
2.Was there similar outrage when a black was chosen as the winner for Miss England?
Yes, but that's because South Africa as a country was founded by Whites.
I can see though, how some non-Whites might say it's hypocritical to say a White/European can be Miss South Africa, but a non-White can't be Miss England or Sweden.
The difference though is that non-Whites didn't found England or Sweden, Whites did, however, found South Africa.
3. I wish this is what african americans really were!
4. They probably still think Europe is a continent full of Europeans, they should take a trip to Malmö, Paris, London, Birmingham or any number of places, they'll have a wake up call.
5. The hypocrisy is strong in this one. So they don't want whites to be the face of Europe, but the moment a white is the face of Africa, then people complain? What about the diversity.
6. Why is Miss Sweden and Miss Italy NOT white?
I hope that they aren't saying that its weird that a white person is in Africa? South Africa being founded by whites and all.
回:Let's not all forget that we're all from Africa, too.
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What do you guys think of the book Guns Germs and Steel?
Yes, please do see the link in the previous post, but I would also like to highlight some of the points made in that thread and elsewhere.
1. Jared Diamond is a Jew who admits in his book that he started out from a position of refusing to acknowledge the possibility of racial differences in intelligence. Then, having rejected the proper answer for essentially religious/political reasons, he desperately searches for evidence to SUPPORT (not disprove) an alternative theory. In other words, he is doing the OPPOSITE of what science does: looking for the simplest explanation and testing it by trying to DISPROVE it.
2. Diamond's basic thesis is that Whites were successful because of geographic luck and an inherent greed/violence/ambition not present in other races. In other words, he believes in racial differences when they are UNFLATTERING to Whites, but not when they are flattering.
3. The geographic differences Diamond focuses on include latitudinal consistency of climate, and the presence of domesticable plants and animals. Diamond willingly overlooks the fact that the climates of various regions on earth have changed significantly in the last fifty thousand years and that large linear stretches of consistent climate are readily found on every continent, but only Whites seem to have made good use of them. He tries to interrupt these in other continents by pointing out deserts that would not have existed twelve thousand years ago, for example. He misses the fact that our ancestors were pushed north out of Africa by population pressure into the LEAST habitable regions then known to our species.
4. Diamond happily fails to mention countless domesticable species never domesticated by Asians, Africans, and Oceanians because they don't fit his theory. He mentions that Whites domesticated wolves, but ignores the African wolf. He mentions that Whites domesticated horses, but ignores the fact that North America had horses too at the same time (at which point the continent was dominated by Amerinds): They simply killed them and ate them. There were plants that could be turned into stable crops, animals that could be penned or herded. Diamond turns his back on this. Moreover, he ignores the herculean task Whites undertook for a hundred generations to gradually breed the creatures around us into the forms they hold today that serve our interests so well. Dogs, for example, come from wolves. Consider a dachshund, and how much it has been changed from a wolf: It is a creature created by Whites through a fantastic investment of time and effort to become a creature capable of burrowing after and successfully killing badgers, hence the German name: Dachs Hund (badger hound). He makes it sound like we found these useful creatures just standing around and we put them to work. We MADE them over the ages by hard work and careful thought.
5. Finally we come to the guns, the germs, and the steel. This is where Diamond becomes especially anti-White. He basically claims that we evil Whites used these inventions to our advantage because we are cruel and violent. He ignores the Aztecs butchering tens of thousands of their own people each year to appease the gods. He ignores the bloody tribal conflicts of the other Amerinds, the Zulu wars, the never-ending conflicts of the ancient Asians. Only Whites are bad. Guns in Asia were expensive, inefficient, and undependable. Whites innovated better weapons because we were smart enough to do so. These are tools to be used for doing the same thing that ALL humans do: settle irreconcilable conflicts by force. We are simply better at it. He ignores the fact that every race on earth had access to iron ore and that we were the first to figure out what to do with it to improve our lives. He focuses only on the "bad" aspects. He ignores the fact that we ourselves had to survive every plague we carried with us, and that we survived plagues of other human populations as well when we traveled, but those get ignored in favor of pretending that we were knowingly using germ theory to our advantage when no one on earth knew what disease really was.
When one looks at all of these flaws in his theory, it completely falls apart. Whites got ahead because we are smarter. Neither he nor James W. Loewen nor any other anti-White can accept that fact, so they make up the most outlandish kind of Rube-Goldberg machines to avoid that obvious conclusion. And even as they continue to insist that we are no smarter than the other races, the Black/White IQ gap hasn't budged by one point in all the years that we have been pouring trillions into trying to elevate the Negros. Talk about denial of reality!
Guns Germs and Steel has been done many times before on this forum. One of the things cited in the past has been a comparison of Haiti with Iceland. When the French were running Haiti, it was the jewel of the Caribbean, a place of great wealth. Once the blacks took over and massacred the French, it collapsed into the third world society we see today.
Iceland is a rather unprepossessing place, certainly not a place which one would suppose was more valuable than Haiti, yet that is the way things have turned out. Certainly it can't be the environment. What can it be then? One simple explanation, one which Diamond ignores, is that the people running Haiti and Iceland are not genetically the same kind of people, and don't behave the same way.
Jared Diamond thesis
Hello, If you already don't know Jared Diamond is this research guy who says that the only reasons why europeans were able to be like a world power was because they had guns, germs, steel, and geography. (for more info on jared diamond go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Diamond ) and for social science class we have to do a project proving or disproving his thesis. I am trying to disprove it because 1, to have a really good society thing that works you also have to have a good head on your shoulders and not just guns, germs, and steel. 2, other contries who were not as advanced prob. had the some of the same resources but just wernt interested in learning how to use them.
if anyone has any other ideas or continuations on these id really like to know. also, i need to be able to prove this so any ideas about how to learn about contries resources in the beginnings of civilization would be greatly appreiciated. (and if you have any other ideas please explain how to prove them so and dont just be like "jared diamond is stupid" because 1, i cant prove that and 2, that has nothing to do with proving his thesis wrong.)
thanks alot for your time and any feedback and i hope i wasnt too much of a bother.
South Africa has the worlds sixth largest coal reserves and abundant iron ore.
Brazil is the world's third largest iron ore producer and has abundant natural forests, but its people didn't even develop primitive charcoal smelting.
You could also point to the economic success of the USA post-colonisation as evidence that the resources and so forth required for such development clearly existed, but weren't exploited by indigenous people.
These are just a few ideas, but it's easy enough to come up with this stuff; I'm sure you can do the same.
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Asian IQ lower than White IQ
lol.. reading the post from you mental giants really proves my point that whites in general and white nationalists in particular are about as dumb as a box of rocks... you are so desperate to prove that whites are more intelligent despite multiple studies showing otherwise that you bring out that old tired canard that asians lack creativity and can only copy white inventions.. ok geniuses, the chinese invented gunpowder, the abacus, the compass, paper, paper money and they also invented the civil service while europeans were still swinging in trees.. in other words, asians invented the basic foundation that europeans later copied and improved on... so, which is harder? to think of something out of thin air or to copy and modify it? it is the europeans that stole the inventions from asians and made themselves great.. now the pendulum is swinging back to the rightful dominence of asians... so kiss my yellow ass...
At least we understand capitalization and punctuation.
You clowns always provide the exact same list of items. Don't you find it even the tiniest bit embarrassing that your great inventions are from thousands of years ago, with nothing recent worth mentioning?
Moreover, the only reasons those inventions get attributed to Asians is (1) we don't ACTUALLY know who invented them and (2) Asians aren't White. For example, we really have no idea if gunpowder was an Asian invention or if it was a work-in-progress floating back and forth between the Mediterranean and the Bay of Bengal. Greek fire looks like a pretty logical precursor to gun-powder (with some recipes possibly including saltpeter). The liberals (and the Asians, for that matter) are so DESPERATE to have something important to credit non-Whites with having invented that they hand the prize to you without any real proof.
How does it feel to get awarded the Special Olympics medal for ancient inventions?
Originally Posted by Neclord View Post
Japan is strict on studying. Kids don't study, they risk dishonoring themselves and their parents. Not like in the US where a lot of kids don't really care and fall asleep in class.
回:I would take this to be evidence that we are therefore inherently smarter. If they have to study all day to barely exceed us on an IQ test that we took after napping through class, that says something about genetic proclivities.
Jared Diamonds主要說地理,動植物,病菌等。他說到技術都是從外來引入,好像不用智慧,技術就能創新甚至發明似的。他好像故意忽略石油,金,銅,鈷,錳,鈉等資源。以色列不是流奶與蜜的地方。以色列位處熱帶,一大片沙漠,缺水,降雨量少,但以科技解決,農業發達。很難相信不是與智慧有關,純粹因為環境。還有白人農場,如津巴布韋一度是非洲的breadbasket,在非洲耕種都要考慮氣候吧?
Do you agree or disagree with Jared Diamonds theory that countries have an abundence of wealth and others poor?
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Why does the Czech Republic have such a large majority of non-religious people?
問:I'm a tourism student and had to write an essay on the country, and discovered through my research that "The Czech Republic has one of the least religious populations on Earth" with the majority of the population being agnostic, atheist or irreligious.
I was just wondering what made the country so liberal when it comes to religion, compared to other Central European countries (such as Slovakia or Hungary) where religion seems to play much more of a key role in society.
I'm not religious myself, and find this pretty interesting :)
would it be right to assume that the Czech Republic is open minded when it comes to homosexuality due to the non-religious majority? (I'm just presuming that without religion society wouldnt be so against it)
Czechs played key and pivotal role in the European Christianity. It had central role in spreading Christianity to Poland, Macedonia, and Hungary (st. Adalbert, st. Radim, st. Alexius, st. Gorazd were Czechs/Moravians); it supported Crusaders, and fought a entire Christendom in Hussite Reformation movement. All these religious zeal had brought nothing for the country, the society, the people, except immense suffering. Hussite revolution whipped out 40% of population in matter of 14 years; and 30Year war that started and ended in Bohemia, killed 2/3. Catholic faith was forced with extremely brutal, genocidal fashion, where extermination of entire communities changed the ethnic balance toward Catholic loving Germans. Modern Czech nation associated Church, its beliefs, its ideology and structure as evil, genocidal, greedy, reactionary, and thoroughly corrupt. The Church had not cared for anything than enriching itself from the blood and sweat of the masses and usurped its power with intimidation, mass murder, and collective oppression. John Huss, the national hero and Czech priest that opposed Rome and died for his belief in 1415, said that Church without shame will steal the last penny from poor widow and deny her the Christian rite on her deathbed. For masses, the idea of Church being a robber and oppressor of the poor, became easier to accepted when they compared their impoverished life with the life of the prelates and the wealth and opulence of the church buildings. Czechs do not want spent any money on religion and believe that these money could be put in better use (among themselves). Church was not associated with nation and social building fabric as was in the case of Poland or Serbia. While in Poland have saying when is the worst.. turn to God for answer, in Czech was opinion when times are good, because we worked hard for it, when times are bad, there was no God to find.
When modern Czech nation came to existence in the 19th century, the biggest obstacle toward modernization of the country and its independence was a church. Catholic church was associated with Hapsburg family and Vienna, with a Great War, and supporter of the monarchy. Czechoslovak republic in 1918 was anti-catholic in the nature, Masaryk despised the Roman church and majority of the Czechs agreed with him. Communist regime had very little effort to overrun the remains of the Christianity in 1948 as country was already secular with large indifferent population. However, the Czech society is very spiritual and people will seek magic, will pay spell and curses on others, and believe in higher entity without ever get associated with earthly organization. Jara Cimrman said clearly "I am unconditional Atheist, but I am so afraid that God will going to punish me for that.
As it goes in sexual terms, Czech society is liberal and open minded. As long the issue of sex and homosexuality is not forced upon them, and stays out of the sight, people will not care or think of it. Homosexuality was decriminalized already under communist regime in the liberal 1960's. Two generations had passed since and the society has many other problems to worry about instead dealing with a private life of the fellow citizens.
Why is Poland so religious?
問:My parents have a Polish background and I notice that their relatives and my Babci (grandma) are all very religious. 80% of people in Poland believe in god and 15% believe in a spirit but what I don't understand is-why? People say its because the devastation caused by WW2 and communism but look at a country such as the Czech Republic. The Czechs were invaded by the Nazis and also by the communists as well as the Hungarians but Hungary is much less religious than Poland with only 49% saying they believe in a God and 31% in a spirit while only 19% of the Czechs believe in God and 50% believing in a spirit. Why is Poland so religious and nationalist????? I am of Polish background and an atheist and I don't understand, religion and nationalism were driving forces for the demolition of the entire Polish people!!!
1Poland and Czech republic do not share common, modern, religious history. Each nation developed own religious institutions and structure;l therefore, have different attachment to it. Czechs through history identified religious institutions and organized faith as a problem to the development of their country, and consider it as the main oppressor of the common people. In Poland, catholic church was seen as a necessary tool for a national survival against Prussia and Russia. Church became a part of the national identity and culture. Czechs came to exactly opposite conclusion due Protestant Reformation known in Bohemia and Moravia as a Hussite Revolution, and believe that the church posses a danger to the civic independence. John Huss (+1415) said that the church will without shame steal last penny from a poor widow, and deny her rites on a deathbed. The Czech society saw a church as a road robber and thief, and did was inherited into modern society. People would not spent money on religion because they think that it could be spent better=> for themselves. Czechs or Hungarians also faced genocides (Mongol invasion or Four Crusades against Bohemians), but in both countries people will say when the times were bad, the Lord was nowhere to find, and when times are good, he was not there either to help. While Czechs are religiously indifferent, there is also known saying from Czech fictional character, Jara Cimrman: “I’m such an unconditional atheist that I’m afraid God will punish me.”
Poland is unusually religious country within the Central Europe, because it never experienced opposition to the church hierarchy in its history. It did not had reformers or rulers that would challenge church's power as was the case in Germany, France, Bohemia, Hungary, or Lower countries. Polish culture, language, education, and social institutions were integrated with a church and this association became a part of the nationhood. Similar bonds are also find in Romania, Ireland, Serbia, or Greece. Younger Polish generation is increasingly indifferent toward faith, and will eventually follow a development of the other countries around. Anna Grodsky became a first transsexual elected into Sejm. During my last visit in Poland, I noticed that only elderly people were attending church services.
For Poles the Catholic Church was their ally, actively supporting their cause and providing moral support in times of need.
For Czechs it was the enemy, a whip of oppressors, forced upon them by foreign powers.
Czechs were originally ardent Catholics, but during 15th century they came with their own proto-protestant form of Christianity as a reaction to rampant corruption in Catholic Church (see Hussite wars). Hussite and later Protestant faith became deeply entrenched in the Czech culture for almost two centuries, until Czech Protestant nobility started Thirty Years War. Sadly, that was the last thing they did, not counting losing their heads on a chopping block.
In the aftermath Hapsburgs initiated a forced nation wide conversion to Catholicism, confiscation of property, executions and massive expulsions of protestants and hussites who were unwilling to give up their faith.
With Catholic faith being forced upon people by foreign (unpopular) rulers and every other form of Christianity forbidden, many people turned away from the faith completely.
The first republic after regaining independence from Austria-Hungary did not change this trend as its leaders were still strongly anti-Vatican and Communism period was just a cherry on the top. The unfortunate decision of Czech Catholic Church to collaborate with Communist Party (unlike in Poland) did not help either.
They have their right to be religious as you have your right to be atheist.
as for the historical background and WW2, I believe Poland went through most atriocities and turning to religion is quite natural for people in times of trouble.
As for the partitions of Poland, religion was one of the factors that defined people's ethnicity. The countries that invaded us were either protestant or orthodox, so catholicism was a part of Polish identity in a way.
In even more distant past, Poland was the threshold of Christianity in Europe, just to mention Khan or Turkish attempts to invade Europe. And later on, we fought Bolsheviks in 1920.
Finally, in the times of communism, when people were supposed to be atheist, a Polish cardinal became the Pope - the first non-Italian pope in centuries and a sign for Poles that things could change. The world finally heard of Poland again.
There are more examples of this kind. And in a way, religion brought people together and defined their identity. Not all Polish people are that religious - it's possible that 80% believe in God, but certainly much fewer attend Mass every Saturday.
Of course, there are people who are not Catholics but still believe in God, but it's their right. Why should anyone question it? I guess, you wouldn't like anyone questioning your atheism, would you?
I really don't understand your opinion that 'religion and nationalism were driving forces for the demolition of the entire Polish people.' In what way?
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Friend Pseudoplotinus, I don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 a 鈥榗ultural reality鈥?or 鈥榗ultural myopia鈥?rather, as Voegelin might say, a loss of reason.
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Race is not the reason!
White nations are better off, more prosperous, more technologically advanced, more functional in a political, economical and social sense than black nations. No liberal, commie, leftist will argue this with you Sfers BUT where we diverge is that:
Jared Diamond won the Pulitzer Prize in his 400+ page book explaining why. In Guns, Germs, and Steel he goes to great lengths explaining the ultimate and proximate CAUSES WHY this is so.
In one word- the environment. Eurasia conferred advantages to the native population that Africa and Australia didn't to their native populations. So that's it. If the whites would have been native to resource and agro-poor Africa and Australia, they would have been doomed to the same misery, poverty, backwardness, technological ineptitude and simplicity i.e. stone tools until today.
BTW, the argument that whites turned Australia into an advanced nation within 2 centuries while the Aborigines still languish in the Stone Age is true. But WHY?
Once again, race is not the reason. The whites brought all their goodies from Europe. They brought their advantages and re-created their society from back home.
Once again IF whites would have been native to Australia, they would still be in the STONE AGE as the native Aborigines.
You can't get something out if there is nothing there to begin with.
For similar reasons today, why we must give certain advantages to historically disadvantaged groups.
1So.... you can't invent a wheel without being in Europe?
回:Wheels can only be invented within certain latitudes. Has to do with earth rotation, didn't you know?
I'd say the resources from the African Jungles (congo) and the Nile river are more than enough to get a society off the ground.
sorry, that train of thought is flawed.
3The wheel was invented in Iraq:
回:The mayans didn´t invent the wheel, yet the invented independently from other cultures the concept of zero. How strange that Harvard professors are still so intrigued by the glorious accomplishments of indians in the middle of the jungle.
4How is it, when negroes are handed modern developed countries in Africa, as they were when European Power decolonized Africa that the negroes were unable to maintain the countries that Europeans had built for them?
Education? Maybe, but wasn't Robert Mugabe an Oxford educated Ph.D.? Didn't the whites establish Universities and Hospitals in Africa? Give the Africans the gift of antibiotics and knowledge of modern medicine, and so many modern miracles that the negro never could have concieved? Yet with all of this European Knowledge the negro chose to resume his tribal existence, funny huh?
Could it be the Jared Diamond is nothing more than a propagandist? I know the James Watson, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered DNA thinks so, as do many other evolutionary biologists. It is no secret that Jared Diamond is a Jew, and these filthy kikes are the ones who are pushing all of this racial equality nonsense. The reasons have entirely to do with their group survival strategy and nothing to do with the facts. The Jews are liars, and it is they who hijacked the science of Anthropology back in the days of Franz Boas, so please take your copy of Guns, Germs and Steel and shove it up your ass.
Just like the Global Warmists, Jared Diamond is a pseudo scientist, camoflauging his propaganda so it looks like science.
Ok for example the main premise of his book Guns Germs and Steel is that certain species of plants and animals better lend themselves to domestication. He mentions Zebra and some other species of wild ass are too mean to be domesticated, and he is correct these species of equine are mean as hell and cannot be domesticated. Where he fails is his assumption that negroes and abos do not fall into the catagory of wild humans, and just as species of plants and animals are most apt at domestication, some species of humans are more apt at being civilized (domesticated) than other species.
This is really not a new concept because people have been calling wild humans savages for centuries, ever since the civilized world came into contact with wild humanity. As a Jew, Diamond should be familar with this concept as it was outlined pretty well in the story of Jacob and Esau. This story has long been used by Jews to explain how Non-jews are animals and not truly human. You would think that one of God's Chosen would get that.
"The Jews are called human beings, but the
non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."
Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b
"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a
pregnant animal."
Coschen hamischpat 405
"The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits
and are called pigs."
Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b
"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as
eating with a dog."
Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b
"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like
intercourse between animals." Talmud Sanhedrin 74b
"It is permitted to take the body and the life
of a Gentile."
Sepher ikkarim III c 25
"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the
Torah. The Christians belong to the denying
ones of the Torah."
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5
"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with
your own hands."
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b
"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless
(non-Jews), is doing the same as making a
sacrifice to God."
Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772
He obviously is making some huge logical leaps - such as none of the large animals in sub-Saharan Africa could have been domesticated for agricultural work.
Saying that the Zebra is "too mean" to be domesticated is a cop out. Even if it were true what about the huge number of other large animals in Africa from the Wildebeest to the Cape Buffalo?
Just giving up on domestication and saying "That's it, we're hunter gatherers forever" is a lame excuse to say "We would have advanced if the animals we tried to domesticate weren't so mean".
And then he comes out with these fantasies of Zulu warriors riding Hippos in to battle against European cavalry - how anyone takes him seriously is astounding.
Wow, that may take the prize for most pathetic attempt at tree falling on Youtube.? You look like you鈥檙e just barley past knowing which end of the saw is the dangerous end. Either learn how to use a saw or get rid of it before you drop one on something more important than your neighbor鈥檚 deck.
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What do Western White Nationalist think of Serbia?
問:Hello comrades,
I would love to know what our western White nationalist brothers think of my country and people?
We know that generally in the West we are considered a barbaric, right wing country that genocided the poor Muslims on Kosovo and in Bosnia.
But what I'd like to know is what other White nationalist think of us? Is there any within your ranks that still doesn't consider us an European Aryan people, or consider us (and Slavs in general) a lower race?
I am really interested into hearing your opinion on us from first hand.
1I have great respect for Serbia and her people. For centuries your people have fought against the tide of Muslim invasions into Europe and still do so. It bothers me that NATO and the UN lied and misled us about what was really going on in the Balkans. I am honored to have my Serbian brothers and sisters at my side as we fight for our racial survival.
2You are our own. You're in a worse situation than us and have been for a long time, but we are all heading for where you are.
All these lies told about you by jews and lackeys, about the struggle you endure...
Sure, most might have believed it when we were kids...
But not anymore.
They never told us about the two villages massacred by muslim scum before Srebrenica.
I found out on my own.
Either way, our enemies deserve death.
Why be weak-willed and lenient towards enemies that seek our destruction?
I say f-u-c-k them. They all will die or leave Europa forever.
3There is a reasonably large Serbian population in Australia (about 100,000 or so) and they cause no problems for Australians. In Serbia they certainly seem to be more aware and ready to fight than most Whites worldwide. All in all a respectable group in our White Europe
Culture Crisis: Norway Tackles Muslim Immigration
He mentions Zebra and some other species of wild ass are too mean to be domesticated, and he is correct these species of equine are mean as hell and cannot be domesticated.
Ahh, so his thesis is that all the "well" tempered animals were in Europe. That's a new one.
Jan Hus語錄:
"The church shines in its walls, but starves in its poor saints; it clothes its stones with gold, but leaves its children naked."
"Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth and defend the truth until death"
"One pays for confession, for mass, for the sacrament, for indulgences, for churching a woman, for a blessing, for burials, for funeral services and prayers. The very last penny which an old woman has hidden in her bundle for fear of thieves or robbery will not be saved. The villainous priest will grab it."
"God is my witness that the things charged against me I never preached. In the same truth of the Gospel which I have written, taught, and preached, drawing upon the sayings and positions of the holy doctors, I am ready to die today."
"Christ, son of the Living God, have mercy on us!"
"Sancta Simplicitas!"
"I shall die with joy today in the faith of the gospel which I have preached."
"Christ thou Son of the Living God, have mercy upon me."
Why do the Globalists hate Serbia ?
問:Even before the Yugoslav wars, they hated them.
Why ? Is it because they are nationalistic as a people, and very ethnocentric ?
1quote:Maybe it's because the Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse
Muslims from their land similarly to how the Jews cleansed
Palestinians from Israel.
回:Big difference there. The jews systematically stole land from palastinians and then went on to ethnically cleanse them---with the approval of The American Empire and her NATO boy toys.
The Serbs, on the other hand, did nothing but DEFEND themselves from the muslim onlslaught from the east, which according to General Wesley clark: 'Was un-acceptable for any type of Nationalism in Europe to exist, and must be stamped out' (paraphrased). Meaning that if Serbia would not have been bombed and tortured to their knees by The American Empire and NATO, they would have taken care of the problemb of Muslim hoardes flooding into Europe single handedly and in short order..
Dres . . .
2quote:Maybe it's because the Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse
Muslims from their land similarly to how the Jews cleansed
Palestinians from Israel.
Yeah , poooor muslims ... poor little muslims
Nice try though
1 Riding Newman the Zebra
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send all muslims out of europe now !!!
After living and working three years in Sweden I left back home and I don't regret it. The country is beautifull, people are civilized and nice but too naive about this multiculturalism bullshit!
If I would be a swede I would have this question for swedish politicians; what have you done to this country, sweden???
Allowing 600.000 muslims into the country, giving them apartements, social welfare, etc, how could this be good for swedish society???
How could barbarians from tribes in Somalia or Ethiopia adapt in Europe???
Left wing politicians in Sweden should be put on trial for destroying this beautifull country by infesting it with muslims!
This country has no solution! I doubt that, even in the best scenario that Swedish Democrats will get into power, this country can be saved from destruction!
vsaluki wrote:
I'm always amazed at the idiots who defend Islam and claim that we should respect their freedom of religion. Here is how Muslims respect freedom of religion. And that is after we helped them get rid of Gadaffi.
http://www.youtube.com/watch... #!
Muslims are barbarians, everybody knows that and nobody can change that either! I just don't understand why most european countryes allowed them to live here in such huge numbers! In Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, they have become a huge and agressive minority who have more rights that the europeans! In Sweden if you dare to say something negative about islam you can lose your job, you are considered a fascist, extremist, etc.
In many parts of western Europe you don't feel like in Europe anymore. They have transformed nice neigboorhoods in ghettos where you only hear arabic languange, see mosques, dangerous places, and the worst is they act like they belong here.
I hope that it will come one day when european leaders will wake up and send all muslims in their home countryes and clean european cityes of theese barbarians!
I don't have anything against them, I'm not a fascist, I don't want a holocaust against them, I just want them out of Europe for good!
And I think many, maybe majority of europeans, share my views!
Or maybe we should get rid of the socialist and comunist politicians first!
恐怖非白人移民+race mixing拖低優秀白人國家水平。我不期望非白人移民創造維持白人文明,而mixed race國家的發展極限是巴西吧?
say no to race mixing!!!!!!
Tired arguments (Antis take heed)
This thread is dedicated to listing arguments that have already been refuted by us a hundred times over.
Antis: If you've ever wondered why your genuine and well-thought questions yielded you nothing but insults (Probably mostly from me) it's because they have already been shot down countless times.
The point of this thread IS NOT to answer these arguments, just to let you know that it's time to come up with some new ones. Creativity isn't your thing, I realize. You would really save yourselves and the mods a lot of time if you deferred to this list before trying to make any of these tired, dispelled points though:
1. We're all the same
2. America is not your land
3. Race and I.Q. have no correlation
4. Blacks built the pyramids (Even if that were true it has nothing to do with white nationalism)
5. There are good and bad people in every race (Which is true, but no one is saying that it isn't)
6. Whites are inferior to group X, Y or Z because ___. (Even if it were true, no one cares)
7. You say you just want to preserve your race but this is really just a hate site. (Even if this were just a "hate site" it doesn't change the fact that we have a right to preserve our race)
8. You can't tell people who to marry. (No one is trying to do that - Except liberals of course)
9. Black people invented X, Y and Z!!1!1!one!!!! (Who cares? Has nothing to do with white nationalism)
10. Hitler Holocausted all the Jews! (That is a point of contention. Even if it were true it had nothing to do with National Socialism and even less to do with any of us)
11. You say group X does blah blah blah. But I know one who doesn't!
12. Race doesn't exist (Grats. You failed 8th grade biology.)
13. There are more white *Insert criminal classification here* than any other race. (What has it got to do with White Nationalism?)
14. Can't we all just get along? Wanna see me fart a rainbow? (No, we CAN'T all just get along. We've tried that for 50 years now. It isn't working out.)
15. But!...But Jared Diamond! (Shut up with your Jared Diamond already. His book isn't based in scientific fact. It's a collection of absurd theories. Plus he's Jewish so if anything, his book just proves how racist his people tend to be towards us.)
16. Your views are backwards because blah blah blah. (Do I even need to explain this one?)
17. We all came from Africa! (We all came from the sea. Doesn't make us fish.)
So, if you antis have any NEW arguments, I'd be glad to answer in a civil way.
If any other white nationalists would like to add to the list, feel free.
There are few more I'm tied of arguing over and over again with each new moron too stupid to use the search feature.
19. We all bleed red / we are all the same.
20. America was not for whites. You should go back to Europe and leave America.
21. What do you think of me, I'm X?
22. Why does Stormfront censor me/us/this/that? I have rights to Freedom of Speech.
23. Why is there so much hate . . .
24. WN you are your own worst enemy
25. You are all so stupid
26. Jefferson fathered Sally Hemmings Children
27. WN is a lie / you are lying about
28. Why does nobody famous come out as a WN.
29. White women benefit the most from Affirmative action. Population percentage, what's that?
30. Whites commit more crime than Negroes. Population percentage, what's that?
"Why be proud of you race? You didn't get to choose what race you were born as, so there's nothing to be proud of".
"You guys should be proud of who you are as individuals and your personal accomplishments, not some accident of birth".
"What have you personally invented/acheived?" is another old favorite.
I really hope they can manage to come up with something new. Once we've answered every argument they can think of they'll have no reason to oppose us.... Right, antis?
The one I really despise is, "Am I white?". Geez, buddy, if you have to ask, the chances are, you're not.
Looks like we are having a spat of
Race is mixing is good/not bad/does not cause harm
type posts
Race doesn't exist and white people are racist.
Originally Posted by The show of life View Post
Ok. So you made a listof the subjects stormfront will allow you to talk about.
What about the subjects you are afraid to discuss? Will subject matter outside your pre-arranged talking points ever be allowed?
Hey, pudding for brains, have you seen the number of different threads that are created over and over and over again that are on the same subjects?
You mention "pre-arranged talking points" It's very tiresome to argue the same thing with each new moron who is either too stupid or too lazy to try searching.
Speaking of subjects you are afraid to discuss how about some answers from subjects YOU are afraid to discuss, he who hides behind a guest account?
Why is it that people of such diverse backgrounds, from all over the nation, have the same sentiments regarding different races?
Why do we have the same experiences with people of color, west coast to east, Canadian border to Mexico? Likewise, whites from across the sea in England, France, Greece, also report the same sort of interactions.
Why do Negroes, regardless of where they are from or even their economic background, mispronounce the same words?
Why have Jews been evicted from 109 countries since 250AD? Why did so many different cultures, across a huge gulf of time feel that need?
Why have Negroes and Latinos FAILED to assimilate into host countries, despite the huge entitlement programs?
Why have all forms of education programs over the last 60 years failed to educate Negroes and Latinos?
Why does crime explode in low income areas for people of color but not in in low income areas of whites?
Why is black pride, Asian pride, Hispanic pride, celebrated but white pride is vilified? Why are we not entitled to the same treatment?
Why is there a black congressional caucus and a Hispanic congressional caucus, but not a white one?
Why is having one language, the language used in the contract between the governed and governing so aberrant?
Why are black studies, Latino studies, Asian studies, pushed at universities, but white equivalents are shunned?
Why are there black, Latino, and Asian only scholarships, but a white ones are prevented?
Why are there public, civil, and entertainment groups for blacks, Latinos and Asians only, but not for whites?
Why must the historical accomplishments of whites be attributed to blacks?
Why can there be films/television shows written, directed, produced, and staffed by all blacks, yet whites must include blacks, even to the point of historical inaccuracies?
Why can whites be shown as fat bumbling morons, yet blacks must be shown as hip and suave?
Why can Negroes, some of whom claim to possess advanced degrees, not use paragraphs when they write?
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FL mother burns daughter with hot knife for resisting arranged marriage
Florida mom burned daughter for resisting arranged marriage, police say | Fox News
If the muslims will do this to they're own flesh and blood....
Oh but nevermind my bad, islam is a faith of peace.
A "religion of peace", as long as everybody submits to their madness.
That's why islamic conflict is all Whitey's fault! We're evil for NOT accepting their wicked ways like a good brainwashed sheep should.
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