主頁 本書讀者評論選輯我想看來生不做中國人简体字版

Saturday, August 18, 2012






Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


yahoo answer:
問題:Was South Africa better off under Apartheid? Is it a better nation today?
By "better" I mean mostly about standard of living for its citizens..

問題內容:I watched a documentary the other night and many of the people being interviewed believed life was better under white rule (even the blacks being interviewed).. and that the leaders in place now have done very little besides make themselves rich and the South African blacks are worse off today then they were..

I decided to ask to get some perspective from South Africans. Feel free to eleborate however you wish. thanks

Only the previously disadvantaged people are better off today, as for SA, not at all, with corruption, name changes, poor service, pathetic education standards and very view people qualified for the job they are doing, it is a recipe for disaster. The sad part is, if you state this view, you are marked as being a racist, and not accepting mixes relationships is a crime??? There is to many cultural and values that is different, so what do you let go of and where do you really belong. People who should be behind bars for crimes they admitted to, it walking free, but the ANC is so proud ot what they achieved, sorry i can just see a once beautiful land falling to pieces, and there is nat a damn thing i can do about it.

Anonymous said...

yahoo answer:
問題:Why was Apartheid opposed by many South Africa and Britain?

問題內容:Can anyone please give me some detailed description, which i can understand and use for my research on Apartheid!

My husband is a white south African and he grew up in the apartheid, I am British but my farther and grandmother lived in SA in the 1970's. The only way to put this is people living in the apartheid were so much better off everyone had jobs food water, the electric never went off where as nowadays in rural SA the electric frequently stops for over 9 hours a day and the governments answer 'use less electric'. SA Boers were a racist nation yes but for good reasons the uneducated black males are just full of hate for everyone and everything they believe that they can just take whatever they want money property women, during apartheid it was all kept under control by the amazing efforts of groups auch as the AWB and powerful leaders such as Eugene Terrablanch, and everyone was happy and safe no bars on windows no 10ft high security fences jobs for all. After Brittan FORCED the hand over of power to the ANC it ruined the whole country of SA.the ANC is a communists power and any who oppose there rule are murdered. What you wont hear on the news over here is the horrific crimes that are being carried out against the whites and non anc supporters babies and the elderly are being brutally raped and tortured just because they are white but and murder is not allowed to be reported outside SA and the race of the person is not allowed to be disclosed why? because the government makes money of crime LOTS of money and they don’t care about the people to them they are just as easily disposed of. I’m sure the whole world has heard of the farm murders in Zimbabwe? but in SA it is 10Xs worse.
While in SA even the black people say they were much happier under white rule and many many people would be happy with joint power sharing but none will speak out in fear of being killed.
So to answer your question the apartheid was opposed by so many people because they knew what would happen to the country. Brittan forced the apartheid because of 3 main reasons 1 to rid themselves of the guilt of black slavery 2 to keep SA quiet about the horrific torture they put them through in the Boer war (Brittan invented concentration camps during this period forcing the Boer women and children into concentration camps and killing them until the men surrendered and in a war where the boer was only 3000 against Brittan’s 860,000 and they were winning but they could not sacrifice there loved ones its not a Boers way) and 3 to control the diamonds and gold which are abundant in SA.
If you would like to know more just msg me x

忘了我是誰 said...


Anonymous said...

Stormfront標題:Olympics; The Chinese athletes ALL look Chinese...

內容:his is a great opportunity for BUGSing logic.

The athletes from Asian countries all look Asian. The athletes from the African countries all look African. The athletes from White countries look......(I'd best stop there otherwise the anti-Whites will brand me a racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews).

It is because China or Japan or Kenya are not being targeted for GENOCIDE through mass immigration and assimilation, only White people in White countries are.

anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Hit some of these you olympic you tube vids, they are getting lots of hits.

It is a good easy one to bring up in discussions in the workplace too, and while they watch more of the games, it will sink in further.

Anti-Whites wail about the Tibetan genocide at the hands of the Chinese, but for some reason, no one advocates flooding China with millions and millions of non-Asians, giving them voting rights and special privileges and force-blending them with the Chinese to ”make up for it all.”

No, this is ONLY done in all White countries and the only children affected by it are innocent White children. It is White Genocide.

They say that they're anti-racist; what they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Anonymous said...

"race is just a social construct"

There are no social constructs under international laws against genocide. When the Chinese flooded Tibet with non-Tibetans in order to dilute their culture and more easily control them, the UN did not say "sorry, but your race is a social construct we can't help you". When Saadam Hussein flooded Kurdistan full of Iraqi Arabs, the UN did not say "sorry you're just a social construct you don't exist". ONLY WHITE PEOPLE ARE TOLD THAT THEY ARE A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT AND THAT THEY DON'T EXIST.

Anonymous said...


自己拿重物又如何,父權挪威認為女性體力比得上男性嗎?我指運動會分開性別比賽是性別歧視,一男一女挪威人說兩性有physical difference喎!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



鍾祖康說他「敢頂着全世界的唾罵甚至威嚇,和個人經濟上的損失,也死不悔改」地堅持各種反中共、反中國的主張,是因為他「深信自己比絕大多數中國人的思路清晰」,好大的口氣啊!這跟陳雲那種眾人皆醉我獨醒、「香港無人講得出來」的姿態,實是如出一轍,都是自我膨脹的表現。他接著說自己如何「刺中了中共的要害,使其陷於歇斯底里」,簡直是妄想了 --- 你鍾祖康的文字有這麼大的力量嗎?你以為中共要人之中有很多讀過你的文字或聽聞過你的大名嗎?



這陳慶釗博士何許人也,竟研究出「漢語學習會摧殘邏輯能力」這個重大發現?我讀後實在好奇到不得了,立刻到網上搜尋,只找到一個陳慶釗博士有類似的著述,書名是《中國模式 --- 神經經濟學初探》,其中的第五章是〈中國人的思維結構(三)文字與思維〉,討論的想必就是「漢語學習如何摧殘邏輯能力」了。繼續追查一下,終於找到多一點陳慶釗博士的資料,原來他拿的是菲律賓 Bulacan State University 的工商管理博士(PhD in Business Administration)!我不是說工商管理博士不能研究語言和邏輯能力的關係,可是,如果他的研究結果只是由一間專出中文通俗讀物的出版社出版,那應該是沒有經過這一研究範圍內的專家評核,而他自己的博士學位也不是這方面的訓練,那麼,我便會很懷疑他的研究結果,絕不會像鍾祖康談到陳慶釗博士那樣,視他為這方面研究的權威似的。




Posted by W. Wong at 23:43 Labels: 不吐不快

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

好!大力支持,除了第 三 條!!!好過落後又愚昧又中國式的三從四德

老婆奴 二十五條

第 一 條
老婆洗澡時要量好水溫,抓 癢 擦 背;不得有貪圖淫欲之行為。
第 二 條
老婆購物時要勇於付款,多 所 鼓 勵;不得有不情不願之行為。
第 三 條
老婆上菜時要讚不絕口,多 吃 幾 碗;不得有偏食挑菜之行為。


第 四 條
老婆睡覺時要炎夏扇風,寒 冬 暖 被;不得有打呼搶被之行為。
第 五 條
老婆給錢時要含淚感激,省 吃 儉 用;不得有奢侈浪費之行為。
第 六 條
老婆無聊時要搏命演出,彩 衣 娛 妻;不得有毫無所謂之行為。
第 七 條
老婆訓誡時要兩手貼緊,立 正 站 好;不得有心不在焉之行為。
第 八 條
老婆犯錯時要引咎自責,自 攬 黑 鍋;不得有連累老婆之行為。
第 九 條
老婆哀傷時要椎心泣血,悲 痛 欲 絕;不得有面露微笑之行為。
第 十 條
老婆晚歸時要耐心等候,歡 顏 以 對;不得有大發雷霆之行為。
第 十一 條
老婆不在時要朝思暮想,守 身 如 玉;不得有偷雞摸狗之行為。
第 十二 條
老婆高興時要張燈結綵,大 肆 慶 祝;不得有潑灑冷水之行為。
第 十三 條
老婆失眠時要徹夜陪伴,幫 忙 數 羊;不得有夢見周公之行為。
第 十四 條
老婆敷臉時要提供方法,以 身 試 法;不得有哈哈大笑之行為。
第 十五 條
老婆唱歌時要如沐春風,讚 嘆 不 已;不得有忍笑不禁之行為。
第 十六 條
老婆生氣時要跪地求饒,懇 求 開 恩;不得有不理不睬之行為。
第 十七 條
老婆打我時要任其蹂躪,謝 主 隆 恩;不得有還手瞪眼之行為。
第 十八 條
老婆考試時要幫忙讀書,圈 畫 重 點;不得有事不關己之行為。
第 十九 條
老婆演講時要不時點頭,深 表 贊 同;不得有順口反駁之行為。
第 二十 條
老婆審問時要發誓賭咒,以 表 忠 誠;不得有漫不經心之行為。
第 二十一 條
老婆開車時要溫言教導,釋 其 緊 張;不得有增其繁擾之行為。
第 二十二 條
老婆親親時要熱情有勁,賣 力 求 好,不得有口齒不分之行為。
第 二十三 條
老婆痛痛時要勤買葡萄,按 時 熱 敷;不得有任其疼痛之行為。
第 二十四 條
老婆臨幸時要予取予求,持 之 以 恆;不得有力不從心之行為。
第 二十五 條
老婆不要時要淚往肚流,自 行 解 決;不得有金錢買賣之行為。

bob said...

Yukman said Wang has received taiwanese money...is he one of us or not?!

Anonymous said...

Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to
see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation.
My apple ipad is now broken and she has 83 views.
I know this is totally off topic but I had to share it with someone!

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